Atheist Familys Lawsuit to Axe Under God From Pledge of Allegiance Heads to Massachusetts Supreme CourtThe Blaze – by Billy Hallowell, September 3, 2013

It was in early 2012 that TheBlaze first reported about a Massachusetts family’s efforts to have “under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. While the atheist parents ardently pushed the case, a judge ruled in favor of the Acton Boxborough Regional School District, finding that there is nothing unconstitutional about the proclamation.

The case is returning to the courtroom on Wednesday, when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will hear oral arguments at 9 a.m.   Continue reading “‘Under God’ Atheist Family’s Pledge Battle that could have Nationwide Implications Heads to Mass. Supreme Court”

The US Park Police Is The New UN Police ForceThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

How many bad policemen does it take to say that we are living in a police state? Of all the abuses of power by the newly federalized police across America, there is one law enforcement agency that is moving to the head of the class with regard to invoking police state type of tactics against innocent American citizens, and that agency would be the United States Park Police. However, the United States Park Police is a misnomer because the title of this agency should be The United Nations Park Police. The unconstitutional and brutal practices of this Gestapo organization provides Americans with a glimpse of what it will be like to live under the New World Order under its Agenda 21 policies.   Continue reading “The US Park Police Is the New UN Police Force”

syriaMcClatchy – by Matthew Schofield

BERLIN — Russia says it has compiled a 100-page report detailing what it says is evidence that Syrian rebels, not forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, were behind a deadly sarin gas attack in an Aleppo suburb earlier this year.

In a statement posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website late Wednesday. Russia said the report had been delivered to the United Nations in July and includes detailed scientific analysis of samples that Russian technicians collected at the site of the alleged attack, Khan al Asal.   Continue reading “Russia says it’s compiled 100-page report blaming Syrian rebels for a chemical weapons attack”

US President Barack Obama speaks about Syria during a joint news conference with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt at the Prime Minister's office in Stockholm, Sweden September 4, 2013. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)The very words spoken by this communist, socialist, sociopath should make every American National’s blood boil! 

RT News

President Obama stated that “as a commander in chief” he has the right to order a military strike against Syria without congressional approval. However, he said that Capitol Hill support would strengthen the response to the alleged chemical attack.   Continue reading “Obama asserts right to strike Syria without congressional approval”

Reuters/Hugh GentryThese forked-tongued criminals will say anything in order to justify putting US troops in yet another country.  Then of course that is almost always the first step they take when they want to seize the assets of a sovereign nation while at the same time boost the profits for the military industrial complex. 

RT News

The potential of strategic US strikes in Syria has sparked fears Damascus’ chemical weapons could fall into the wrong hands if the government is toppled. A recent congressional report says 75,000 troops would be needed to safeguard the WMD caches.   Continue reading “75,000 troops needed to secure chemical weapons if Damascus falls”

USS NImitz (AFP Photo / Navy Media Content Services / HO / Raul Moreno)RT News

A military strike on Syria could lead to a nuclear catastrophe if a missile were to hit a reactor containing radioactive uranium, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman warned. The remark comes as the US continues to push for a military strike on Syria.

“If a warhead, by design or by chance, were to hit the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) near Damascus, the consequences could be catastrophic,” Aleksandr Lukashevich said in a Wednesday statement.   Continue reading “Russia warns of nuclear disaster if Syria is hit”


A Kansas City, North, man awoke abruptly early Wednesday when he heard two loud bangs in his garage, directly beneath his bedroom.

He grabbed his shotgun, ran down the stairs and opened the door to the garage to investigate while his wife and 18-month-old baby stayed upstairs, according to neighbors and police.   Continue reading “With wife and baby upstairs, Northland homeowner fatally shoots intruder”

New Gun Control Executive Orders to eliminate corporate jackings. Photo: FoxNews.comAmmoLand

USA –-( The shooting community was stunned by two Executive Orders from the Obama administration earlier this week.

One of the proclamations effectively closes a secret loophole commonly used by street thugs, gang members, and the Reverend Al Sharpton. Under current law, legally formed corporations and trust officers are able to purchase restricted firearms such as short-barreled shotguns, automatic rifles and sound suppressors. The new Executive Order mandates finger prints, background checks and local law enforcement approval of officers and trustees before these legal entities can apply for special permits from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Although the process is cumbersome, federally controlled and takes 6 to 12 months to complete, administration officials are convinced that low lifes and gang bangers are taking advantage.   Continue reading “President’s Gun Control Executive Order Will Totally Reduce Street Crime”

Egyptian-media-portray-Obama-as-satanThe Gateway Pundit – by Mara Zebest

Egyptian media is publishing the image at right of Barack Hussein Obama as Satan himself. Wow! Such a huge contrast from the halos that Liberal U.S. media portray in all their images of Obama. Wonder if Liberal media or Bill O’Reilly will accuse Egyptian’s of being racist? Didn’t Liberals get upset with the History channel for a similar comparison?    Continue reading “Egyptian Media Portray Obama As Satan”

Strategic Culture – by Wayne Madsen

One thing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry avoided telling the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during his plea for approval of the Syria war resolution is how the Central Intelligence Agency and militant Saudi intelligence-backed Al Qaeda elements are targeting Alawite and Shi’a communities in Syria.    Continue reading “Obama Administration Stoking Sunni Violence Against Alawites and Shi’as in Syria”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

We’ve covered the immensely troubling case against Barrett Brown a few times here. Brown is the journalist and activist who was arrested on a series of highly questionable charges, mostly focused on taking the astounding step of copying a URL pointing to a bunch of Stratfor emails that people in Anonymous had hacked, and placing it in a chat room that Brown managed, to try to crowdsource information about intelligence community contractors, known as Project PM. No one has accused Brown of being responsible for the hack — but rather just posting the link to the hacked contents, which the feds are claiming is a federal crime, in part because the data it pointed to contained credit card info. Continue reading “Feds Seeking To Silence The Media Over Barrett Brown, After They Locked Him Up For Posting A Link”

Dvorak Uncensored

A look at major U.S. military strikes as ordered by the last five U.S. presidents and the degree of international support behind the actions.


—Beirut (1982-83): U.S. troops deployed to Lebanon as part of a three-nation peacekeeping force. Reagan ordered limited airstrikes, with France…   Continue reading “30 years of US military attacks on other nations”

Photo: Youtube Screen ShotIntelliHub – by Cassius Methyl

Because officers, prison guards, and people committing violence for the government never face the consequences of their crime, the violent offender, the guard in this video (who hasn’t even been identified because he is protected by the other criminals), was never prosecuted, and never faced any consequences at all. The man was handcuffed, and completely defenseless. He could have been murdered, it was that bad. Originally, it was denied that this even happened, but now we know the truth. Perhaps in part because It’s taken two years and almost eight months for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to release this video. The assault occurred on New Year’s Eve, right before midnight, on Dec. 31, 2010. A very persistent family member of one of the victims finally persuaded them to give the video to her. A determined advocate for justice for prisoners, Rev. Kenneth Glasgow, posted it to YouTube.   Continue reading “Barbaric Video of Prison Guard Beating Man With a Hammer Finally Released”

United States Militia RevolutionMilitia News – by Dr. Robert Owens

The Progressives in both parties may be the establishment now but they have always been and continue to be revolutionaries seeking to turn the American dream into a socialist nightmare.

Since the 1890s the Progressives have worked to change our American Experiment from a federal republic operating on democratic principles that recognized our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness into a democracy where the government grants rights and pursues its own happiness.   Continue reading “A Slow Motion Revolution Gathers Speed”