1913 Intel – by Matt

With Republican leaders backing a military strike on Syria, it’s all but certain that Barack Obama will win the vote in Congress, says Raf Sanchez in Washington

In the topsy-turvy world of the US Congress nothing is certain until the votes are counted.

But today’s announcement that the Democratic and Republican leadership will support President Barack Obama‘s plans for strikes in Syria all but guarantees that American cruise missiles will soon be heading for Damascus.   Continue reading “Syria crisis: cruise missiles will be heading for Damascus now that Congress is swinging behind Barack Obama – Telegraph”

Breitbart – by JON DAVID KAHN

ATLANTA – “It wasn’t a boom, it wasn’t a pop…it was a Kaboom.  It sounded like a bomb. My walls rattled. It shook the house up. I screamed. It was a real freak out moment.” These are the words of a Grant Park woman who is claiming that an electronic cigarette she purchased with the intention of getting healthy, exploded, shooting flames across her living room, charring a sofa and a rug.    Continue reading “Woman Claims E-Cigarette Exploded, Shot 4-Foot Flames Across Living Room”

On Monday morning Mark Schumacher, a writer and contributor to this site, suffered an attack and was transported via ambulance to Loveless Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico.   He is now undergoing surgery to remove eleven feet of his intestine.  The doctors were not sure if it is a tumor or diverticulitis.  We will update this as we get more information.

Mark is a long haul truck driver who lives in his truck and has no permanent home.  We here in the Trenches are Mark’s only family.    Continue reading “Get Well Soon, Mark!”

high school classroom istock.jpgFox News

A full year before students around the nation submit to the new Common Core standardized tests, the federally-backed program is already causing chaos and confusion at local school board meetings, in the classroom and at the dinner table.

As critics fear Washington is poised to take control of what and how local districts teach kids, school administrators are adopting new curriculum in an effort to ensure their students outperform their peers and parents worry that their children are being used as academic guinea pigs. As the program gets closer to full implementation, a full-blown backlash is developing despite assurances from supporters that it is merely a test aimed at establishing a national standard.    Continue reading “Classroom chaos? Critics blast new Common Core education standards”

worst book everThe Organic Prepper

I am often asked to read and review books in the preparedness and health genres. I have a lot of respect for anyone who can organize information and put together an informative and/or entertaining manuscript, and because of this, I can find something positive in any text.  I am honest, and I point out the places where I feel things might need to be expanded, but I also look for positives and present those too.

I had never written a totally negative book review in my life, but that was before I read The Prepper’s Cookbook:  Essential Prepping Foods and Recipes to Deliciously Survive Any Disaster.

Don’t waste your money on this cheap hack.   Continue reading “The Worst Book Review You’ll Ever Read”

View image on TwitterInfowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

A deluge of duty military personnel as well as many veterans are taking to Twitter to express their opposition to the Obama administration’s plan to launch an attack on Syria.   Continue reading “Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria”

Now the End Begins

Al Jazeera’s blog posted a story Monday featuring tweets from the Director of Research at the Brookings Center in Doha, Qatar, who reported that an Egyptian newspaper’s front page story claimed President Barack Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Newspaper also claims that son of MB leader threatened Obama with release of ‘papers’ revealing his MB membership,” writes Shadi Hamid of Brookings.   Continue reading “Egyptian Paper Says They Have Proof That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood”

Shocking: Police sources told WWMT-TV that officers found two people having sex and naked women dancing on stage at the Masonic LodgeDaily Mail

Police in Michigan have broken up a shocking ‘drug-fueled orgy’ being hosted at a secretive Masonic Lodge – and this wasn’t the first time it’s happened, authorities warn.

Officers were called to the prominent building in downtown Battle Creek, Michigan – which sits across a park from police headquarters – about 2.15am Sunday. They found five women dancing on stage naked.   Continue reading “Police break up ‘drug-fueled orgy’ at Masonic Lodge after finding women dancing naked on stage and men filming sex acts”

The Anti-Empire Report #120 – by Robert Blum

Secretary of State John Kerry: “There is no doubt that Saddam al-Assad has crossed the red line. … Sorry, did I just say ‘Saddam’?”

A US drone has just taken a photo of Mullah Omar riding on a motorcycle through the streets of Damascus. 1

So what do we have as the United States refuses to rule out an attack on Syria and keeps five warships loaded with missiles in the eastern Mediterranean?   Continue reading “Found at last! After searching for 10 years, the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction have finally been found – in Syria!”

Yahoo News – by Dan Williams and Steve Gutterman

JERUSALEM/MOSCOW (Reuters) – Israel tested a U.S.-backed missile system in the Mediterranean on Tuesday but did not announce the launch in advance, prompting a disclosure by Russia that kept the world on edge as the United States weighed an attack on Syria.

The morning launch was first reported by Moscow media that quoted Russian defense officials as saying two ballistic “objects” had been fired eastward from the center of the sea – roughly in the direction of Syria.   Continue reading “Unannounced Israel-U.S. missile test fuels jitters over Syria”

Danse Macabre1Ron Paul Institute- by Daniel McAdams

The first draft of the White House’s war authorization legislation was leaked today, signaling the opening round of the danse macabre, in which the bargaining and maneuvering over what Congress and the president both want — war on Syria — begins its public journey from conception to law.

As according to past practice, the first draft is considered “too broad” for some Members and Senators. Senator Patrick Leahy opened the bidding, emerging from a closed-door classified intelligence briefing (the kind where the doctored intercepts and phony satellite photos are spread out before Members to better help them make the “right” decision) stating that the first draft of the war authorization was “too open-ended,” but that he is certain it will be amended in the Senate.    Continue reading “Congressional Danse Macabre Has Begun”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds many different vaccine operations in third world countries.Vac Truth – by Christina England

A recent report has stated that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (the foundation with more money than sense), has plowed $100,000 into the development of small pink and blue silicon bracelets to remind mothers living in developing countries that is time for their child to be vaccinated.

According to Change Generation, children require twenty vaccinations by the time they are four to keep fit and healthy. Each bracelet has a series of numbers representing the months of the year and a series of symbols representing the vaccinations required.   Continue reading “These Weird New Tricks Are Being Used to Vaccinate Your Child”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Gold and silver prices are jumping, bonds are bid off their high yields, and US equities have dropped to the lows of the day as Boehner gets behind Obama:

Eating TunaDr. Mercola

When you eat tuna, there’s a good chance you’re not actually eating tuna. Instead, the majority of fish labeled ‘white tuna’ may actually be escolar, a type of fish that can cause serious digestive effects, including oily anal leakage.

Oceana, the non-profit ocean protection group that revealed the findings, further found that nearly 60 percent of ‘tuna’ sold at restaurants and grocery stores is another type of fish entirely – and the results fared worst for sushi restaurants.1   Continue reading “59% of the ‘Tuna’ Americans Eat Is Not Tuna”

Obamas Syria Attack Resolution Authorizes Boots on the Ground 030913bootsPrison Planet – by Paul Joseph Watson

The Obama administration’s draft resolution for military intervention which Congress is set to vote on next week is so broad that it would authorize boots on the ground as well as regime change and open ended war throughout the entire region, according to Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith.

Goldsmith served as Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel from 2003–2004, and Special Counsel to the Department of Defense from 2002–2003.   Continue reading “Obama’s Syria Attack Resolution Authorizes Boots on the Ground”

Press TV

US President Barack Obama said on Saturday that he had decided to launch a military attack against Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons and now seeks congressional consent for the move, which will debate the issue when lawmakers return from recess on September 9.

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan says Tehran had given the US information about the import of a chemical nerve agent to Syria by militants eight months ago.   Continue reading “Iran warned US about Sarin gas in Syria: Defense Minister”