fluorideNatural News – by Mike Adams

Natural News can now reveal that the Syria chemical weapons narrative being pushed by the White House is an outlandish hoax.

To understand why, you have to start with the story published in The Independent entitled Revealed: Government let British company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria.   Continue reading “Syria’s ‘chemical weapons’ turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply and sold at Wal-Mart”

ncgunlaw12.jpgFox News

A new law going into effect this week in North Carolina law prohibits law enforcement from destroying unclaimed guns and firearms acquired through gun buyback programs.

The so-called “save the gun” law passed the Republican-controlled Legislature in the spring as the state moved to strengthen gun rights in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, the Los Angeles Times reports.   Continue reading “North Carolina law prohibits police from destroying guns”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is what Obama and U.S. tax dollars are going towards. Let us not forget the priest that was beheaded. No wonder U.S. troops do not want to support them.

(DailyMail) – Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists.   Continue reading “Obama’s Syrian Rebels ‘Beheaded a Christian and Fed Him to the Dogs’ as Fears Grow Over Islamist Atrocities”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: While this article points out the people of the world are waking up to the evil elements being played out. They fail to point out who is causing all of this disorder to begin with. You cannot simply pin the tail on the United States. Who is making their policy? All of these decisions come down from world government organizations. The Bank of International Settlements is the largest and most powerful bank in the world, in addition, the most unknown. They create fiscal policy for the entire world. The people who truly run the world can be found by reading Matthew 13 in the parable of the sower. There is an element in the world who is purposely sowing discord for the U.S. First it was the NSA Spying Scandal and now the Syrian war. To what end? Eventually to rid the world of nation states and lead to the implementation of one world government.   Continue reading “People of the World are Fighting Back”


Following complaints from privacy groups, California lawmakers on Friday suspended legislation to embed radio-frequency identification chips, or RFIDs, in its driver’s licenses and state identification cards.

The legislation, S.B. 397,  was put on hold by the state Assembly Appropriations Committee, despite it having been approved by the California Senate, where it likely will be re-introduced in the coming months. Had the measure passed, it would have transformed the Sunshine State’s standard form of ID into one of the most sophisticated identification documents in the country, mirroring the four other states that have embraced the spy-friendly technology.   Continue reading “California Abruptly Drops Plan to Implant RFID Chips in Driver’s Licenses”

World Events and the Bible

(Natural News) – You won’t hear anything about it from the mainstream media, but the federal government’s kangaroo “vaccine court” has once again conceded, albeit quietly, that the combination measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine does, indeed, cause autism. In a recently published ruling, part of which was censored from public view, a young boy was awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars after it was determined that the MMR vaccine led to a confirmed diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).   Continue reading “Breaking: Courts discreetly confirm MMR vaccine causes autism”


No amount of economic growth will land you a job if you get unfairly snagged in the FBI’s faulty background check system. And you can lose your job because of the FBI file inaccuracies, too.

After working without incident at a Philadelphia port for 33 years, Russ F. was told he was out of a job when a newly required post-9/11 security clearance check found an arrest dating back to 1971. Charges were never filed, and Russ was never prosecuted.   Continue reading “The FBI’s background employment checks are filled with inaccuracies”

Washington’s Blog

The American War Brief Is Extremely Weak

The White House released a 4-page document setting forth its case for use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.

But as shown below, the case is extremely weak (government’s claim in quotes, followed by rebuttal evidence).   Continue reading “Point-By-Point Rebuttal of U.S. Case for War In Syria”

Reuters- by Steve Gutterman

Russia raised the alarm on Tuesday after detecting the launch of two ballistic “objects” in the Mediterranean Sea but Israel later said it had carried out a joint missile test with the United States.

There were no reports of missile strikes on Syria. Syrian state sources said the missiles had fallen harmlessly into the sea and there were no explosions in the capital Damascus, Russian news agencies reported.   Continue reading “Russia raises alarm over Israeli missile test in Mediterranean”

Almanar News

Russia on Tuesday announced that its missile early warning system had detected the launch of two missiles from the central part of the Mediterranean Sea fired towards the Sea’s eastern coastline.

The launches took place at 10:16 am Moscow time (0616 GMT) and were detected by the early warning system in Armavir in southern Russia, the defense ministry said in a statement quoted by Russian news agencies.    Continue reading “Russia Detects Two missile Launches in Mediterranean”

The News

TRIPOLI: An armed group hijacked a Royal Jordanian Airlines plane in Libyan capital Tripoli on Monday.

According to foreign media reports flight, scheduled to take off for Amman, was hijacked in Tripoli International Airport.   Continue reading “Jordanian airlines plane hijacked in Libyan capital”

Before It’s News – by Alton Parrish

The Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS) program aims to improve air-to-ground fire coordination, but could revolutionize military tech development and deployment as well.

Air-ground fire coordination—also known as Close Air Support or CAS—is a dangerous and difficult business. Pilots and dismounted ground agents must ensure they hit only the intended target using just voice directions and, if they’re lucky, a common paper map. It can often take up to an hour to confer, get in position and strike—time in which targets can attack first or move out of reach. To help address these challenges, DARPA recently awarded a contract for Phase II of its Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS)program to the Raytheon Company of Waltham, Mass.   Continue reading “New Precision Bombing Technology Unveiled”

Mother Jones – by Tom Philpott

Meatpacking giant Tyson recently grabbed headlines when it announced it would no longer buy and slaughter cows treated with a growth-enhancing drug called Zilmax, made by pharma behemoth Merck. Tyson made the move based on animal well-being” concerns, it told its cattle suppliers in a letter, adding that “there have been recent instances of cattle delivered for processing that have difficulty walking or are unable to move.” According to the Wall Street journal, Zilmax (active ingredient: zilpaterol hydrochloride) and similar growth promotors are banned in the European Union, China, and Russia.   Continue reading “Your Steak Is Addicted to Drugs”


A GROUNDBREAKING new Irish technology which could be the greatest breakthrough in agriculture since the plough is set to change the face of modern farming forever.

The technology – radio wave energised water – massively increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent.

Not only are the plants much bigger but they are largely disease-resistant, meaning huge savings in expensive fertilisers and harmful pesticides.   Continue reading “Wave goodbye to global warming, GM and pesticides”

The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Over 90% of the American people do not want Obama to attack Syria. The top military leadership in this country has also advised against this fool’s errand.

The following people, pictured below, and the criminal bankers that they represent, are the only ones that are itching for a fight with Syria. These are the faces of the people who will be the world’s next war criminals.   Continue reading “The US Military Fears War with Syria”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The Empire died on the road to Damascus.

My activism began as a child before the election of Kennedy. I knew who was going to assassinate him and why. When he was killed, hardly anyone was willing to listen to the truth because that would require them to get out of their comfort mode and actually risk their lives to do something. But now even the most ignorant have swung around and have learned to say No. Only 9% of Americans said they would support Obama if he attacked Syria. In Great Britain Obama only had 8% support. And that is with the corporate media not bothering to publish the Associated Press reporter who said the rebels did the gas attack.   Continue reading “Syria Was The Tipping Point. The Empire Is Dead. Let’s Do Something New.”

Blacklisted News – Topo, Beware of Images

First, let me say something about the polarization I have seen surrounding the subject. Calling all who support military action “ignorant warmongers”, or all who oppose it “pro-genocide cowards” is not only an inflexible position, but one that is not conducive to a proper understanding of this –or any– sociopolitical conflict. I don’t practice that kind of name-calling, and hope you’ll refrain from it as well.

Robert McNamara, one of the main architects of the Vietnam war and the Secretary of Defense under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, once said:   Continue reading “Why I Don’t Support Unilateral Military Intervention In Syria”