FBI Director James ComeyWho What Why- by David J. Krajicek

In a scathing letter, Massachusetts Congressman William Keating has demanded “forthright information” about the Boston Marathon bombing from the newly confirmed director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Keating, a Cape Cod Democrat, sent the three-page letter to James Comey on Wednesday afternoon, two days after he was confirmed by the Senate to replace Robert Mueller as head of the agency.   Continue reading “Boston Marathon Bombing: U.S. Rep. Keating Demands Answers from New FBI Director”

The Koch Brothers are worth over 50 BILLION dollars.  Guess a billion dollars just doesn’t go far these days.


According to a new analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), publishers of ALECexposed.org, at least 117 bills introduced in 2013 fuel a “race to the bottom” in wages, benefits and worker rights—and resemble “model” bills from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).   Continue reading “The Force Behind Bills To Lower Wages and Suppress Workers’ Rights? You Guessed It: ALEC”

Stripes – by John Reed

The United States Air Force will dramatically expand its military presence across the Pacific this year, sending jets to Thailand, India, Singapore and Australia, according to the service’s top general in the region.

For a major chunk of America’s military community, the so-called “pivot to Asia” might seem like nothing more than an empty catchphrase, especially with the Middle East once again in flames. But for the Air Force at least, the shift is very real. And the idea behind its pivot is simple: ring China with U.S. and allied forces, just like the West did to the Soviet Union, back in the Cold War.   Continue reading “US deploying jets around Asia to keep China surrounded”

TQGuerrillamerica – by SAMUEL CULPER III

Before we get into TQ, I’ve updated the Training page to reflect a few classes.  We have the first ICAC scheduled for the Atlanta area on 17-18 August.  We already have a nice sized class shaping up.  I’m going to limit these classes to 10 pax because there will be a lot of questions, and because everyone benefits from one-on-one interaction.  We have a few spots left, so email me if you’re interested.   Continue reading “The Basics of HUMINT Collection: Tactical Questioning”

tim turner.pngAll Alabama – by Erin Edgemon

MONTGOMERY, Alabama — The self-proclaimed president of an area sovereign citizen group was sentenced to serve 18 years in federal prison today after being convicted on 10 counts including conspiracy to defraud the United States.

James Timothy Turner, also known as Tim Turner, of Ozark, was sentenced to 18 years after convicted in March on the charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, attempting to pay taxes with fictitious financial instruments, attempting to obstruct and impede the IRS, failing to file a 2009 federal income tax return and falsely testifying under oath in a bankruptcy proceeding, the U.S. Justice Department, the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced today.   Continue reading “Self-proclaimed sovereign citizen group president sentenced to 18 years in prison; taught classes on how to defraud the U.S.”

Activist Post

Police in Concord, New Hampshire have applied for a grant to acquire a $258,000 armored vehicle from the DHS to combat domestic terrorism.

According to their application, they cited “active threats” from domestic “terror” groups like Free State Project and Occupy New Hampshire as the primary reason for requiring this military equipment.   Continue reading “NH Police View Peaceful Libertarian and Occupy Activists as Terrorists”

Fox 8 Live

New Orleans, La. – Two F-15 fighter jets intercepted a helicopter off the coast of Louisiana Thursday morning.  The Joint Reserve Base New Orleans Defense Command responded to an AW-139 helicopter that was out of communication as it entered U.S. airspace from the Gulf of Mexico.   Continue reading “Fighter jets intercept helicopter off LA coast”

The Hill – by Pete Kasperowicz

The House voted Friday to prevent the IRS from enforcing any aspect of ObamaCare, a bill meant to exact revenge against an agency that Republicans say is incapable of neutral enforcement of the law.

Members approved the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act in a 232-185 vote. Four Democrats supported the bill along with every Republican.   Continue reading “House votes 232-185 to block the IRS from enforcing ObamaCare”

The Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was on with Greta Van Susteren Thursday to discuss the Obama scandals.

This came after Jake Tapper at CNN broke the news that there were “dozens” of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on 9-11 when the consulate came under attack and the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.   Continue reading “GOP Rep: Obama WH Is Hiding Benghazi Survivors and Changing their Names”

CH-47FAviation News – by Rob Vogelaar, June 11, 2013

RIDLEY TOWNSHIP, Pa. – In an agreement that will save the U.S. government more than $800 million, the Army and Boeing [NYSE:BA] have signed a $4 billion multi-year contract for 177 CH-47F Chinook helicopters, with the Army holding options that could increase its total buy to 215 aircraft.

Deliveries from the agreement, which is a cost-effective alternative to annually contracting for the aircraft, begin in 2015.   Continue reading “Boeing Receives US Army Contract for Up to 215 Chinook Helicopters”

(Image credit: powtac/Flickr)End the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

A new report reveals that the FBI directly employs multiple hackers who create custom surveillance software for the bureau, some of which is capable of remotely activating the microphones on cell phones and laptops, among other features.

The FBI is known for using technology shrouded in secrecy, some of which is based on legal grounds which have been questioned by critics with some maintaining that the FBI deceived judges in deploying it.   Continue reading “FBI employs hackers, has software that can remotely activate cell phone, laptop microphones and more”

Posted as a comment from Kathleen on New Published Study Verifies Andrew Wakefield’s Research on Autism – Again

What is really frustrating is the recent hysteria being promoted by the hate-bandwagon bullies (from Salon and AlterNet) who are coming out in droves against Jenny McCarthy’s recent hire by a television talk show. Calling her views “dangerous” and “anti-science” with “deadly consequences” etc. and how she cites “a now withdrawn and scientifically disproved paper that claimed there was a link between vaccines and autism,” referring to the 1998 paper from Dr Wakefield.   Continue reading “In Defense of Dr. Wakefield’s 1998 Paper on the Link between Vaccines and Autism”


This sounds like the type of order only given during wartime or imminent terrorist threat. Direct from the DOT/Federal Railroad Administration website:   Continue reading “A Hint of War? Federal Railroad Administration Issues Emergency Order for Trains with Hazardous Materials”

Veterans File Free Speech Lawsuit Against New Rochelle, N.Y. Officials Over Ban of Dont Tread on Me FlagThe Blaze – by Dave Urbanski

A veterans group has filed a free speech lawsuit against officials who banned a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag from a city-owned armory because they viewed the flag as a Tea Party symbol.

The lawsuit says the actions of officials in New Rochelle, N.Y., in addition to being unconstitutional, are “unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious” and demonstrate a lack of appreciation of history, according to the Associated Press.   Continue reading “‘Don’t Tread on Me’: Fed-Up Veterans File Free Speech Lawsuit against City Officials over Flag Ban”

imagesMichelle Malkin

Here’s a new installment of my Rotten to the Core series on education and curriculum. This latest scandal has only just begun. I hear from multiple sources that there are more damaging e-mails to come. Jeb World is getting rocked not only by this mess, but by the nationwide, grass-roots revolt against his top-down Common Core scheme — which continues to grow despite Bush’s latest p.r. efforts to bamboozle talk radio and conservative pundits about his education racket.   Continue reading “Rotten to the Core: Jeb Bush’s Crony Republicans Against Higher Standards”