Chinese flags line Pennsylvania Avenue as a big black limousine carrying China’s President (dictator) Hu Jintao passed by on its way to a red carpet reception at the White House being hosted by America’s communist dictator, President Barry Soetoro. During this decidedly un-American spectacle, Hu was shown an example of our government’s love for our Constitution as a company of soldiers dressed in 18th century British uniforms paraded before him. Who won that war? Obviously the British did. Or maybe the red coats suited the communist dictator better than our colonial blue would have.
Once again President Soetoro, acting on the behalf of all Americans, bowed before a foreign leader. This visit from Hu is being sold to the American people as some sort of summit. It is not. Hu came to the United States for one purpose and that was to instruct Soetoro as to how he wants his real estate to be managed. Unfortunately for the American people Hu’s real estate happens to be our country.
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