The Obama administration is going forward with their campaign to lie the unemployment rate down and change the history of the past three years. Not just change it, but make it the exact opposite of what actually occurred. This, at the same time Obama is giving away our oil rich islands off the Alaskan Coast to his comrades in Russia. Why isn’t this in the mainstream? Well because the mainstream has nothing to do with reporting the news as they are active members of the social insurgency that is destroying our country.
The people have awakened in mass and realize what is going on. But how do we stop it? How do we regain control when every avenue is blocked by the insurgents who now control our government? It seems the closer we come to uniting our people in the cause of the reinstitution of our Republic, the closer we get to a third world war. And if anybody thinks that these diabolical monsters would not start a war and see millions of us killed to preserve the status quo, they had best examine history.
Continue reading “New Lies about the Unemployment Rate as the Chains of Slavery are being Forged”
The disenfranchisers have gone above and beyond all known realms of election fraud and the mainstream propaganda machine has followed suit, setting down percentage points before the polls closed that had a mere 1% margin of error through the count. I’ve always wondered how this worked. You know, like with the unemployment rate wherein 1700 people are polled, after which it is calculated that 3 million decided to stop looking for work.
If you were watching CNN’s election coverage you observed exit polls morph into election results right before your very eyes. Keep in mind the fact that just a couple of short days ago, the American propagandists were calling the elections in Russia a joke because Putin was announced the winner with only 25% of the vote counted. Then these same propagandists turn around and call our GOP primary elections before even one vote is counted. And who was calling these elections over in Russia? Oh yeah, that would be their propagandists.
Continue reading “CNN Predicts Super Tuesday Primaries and Caucuses Using Mystical Powers”
Note: This was reported 3 minutes after the polls closed with no votes counted. They just used exit polls from 1705 respondents.
Today is not just Tuesday, it is indeed Super Tuesday. Georgia, Massachusetts, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia will be holding primaries and Alaska, Idaho, and North Dakota will be holding caucuses today, with a total of 437 delegates at stake. This is a day when all these states can feel equal as their citizens will be equally disenfranchised through election fraud which has become the status quo in our country.
The mainstream propagandists have been busy reporting on the Russian election and the fraud involved therein. However they seem completely disinterested in the election fraud going on right here at home. But it makes sense that they would, as they are active participants in putting forth fraudulent opinion polls in an attempt to add credibility to their fraudulent reporting of the fraudulent results.
Continue reading “Super Tuesday Super Election Fraud”
US Attorney General Eric Holder will attempt to establish lawful authority for the killing of US citizens. Holder will be speaking to a group at the Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago and is expected to address the killing of the US citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, last September in Yemen by a joint CIA-US Military drone strike.
Holder will attempt to justify US government assassinations of US citizens in citing a September 18, 2001 joint congressional resolution that authorizes the use of all necessary force in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States.
Continue reading “Eric Holder Makes the Case for the Political Murder of US Citizens”
Rush Limbaugh, on his broadcast last week, referred to a young lady, who is a law student at Georgetown University, as a slut because she wants her health insurance to cover contraceptives. This is an outrage and it must be opposed, and it has been on every mainstream channel. And now Limbaugh is apologizing. And…and…but hold it….wait….what am I doing? Rush Limbaugh calls somewhat a slut and it is dominating the news? Why? Oh, that’s right, it is an election year and the mainstream is attempting to divert our attention. But from what? Hmmm….
Could it be Eric Holder, Operation Gun Walker/Operation Gunrunner/ Operation Fast and Furious, you know the Obama Administration’s cartel that has been caught running guns into Mexico, trading them for drugs, transporting those drugs back into the United States, selling those drugs on our streets to our people, then laundering the money through the DEA and central banks in Mexico, Central, and South America?
Continue reading “Rush Limbaugh’s Attack on Contraception – An OUTRAGE!”
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is in Washington DC. He will meet with President Obama today. Obama is expected to take a knee and kiss his ring to chants of “Oy yee Oy yee” after which it is expected that the president of the United States is in for a good talking to. It would seem the mighty country of Israel has grown tired of pussy footing around with its US colony.
Netanyahu is expected to tell Obama that Israel will attack Lebanon or Iran at its own discretion and once the seeds of war have been sown, the US will provide the blood to see the plan through to fruition in the form of a complete destruction of Lebanon and the capture of Iranian oil.
Continue reading “Netanyahu in Washington DC to Lay Down the Law – Oy”
The fraud surges forward in Washington State as Mitt Romney wins via the disenfranchising of thousands of voters. As par the election fraud in Washington was no surprise. Saturday morning I talked to a man in Seattle who had just returned from the caucuses. In the district he lives in there were six in contention to be the single delegate. Two were staunch Ron Paul supporters. Two really liked Dr. Paul but professed they did not think he could be elected. And the last two said that if Ron Paul is elected the terrorists are going to kill us.
The two who said that they liked Ron Paul but that he could not be elected were confronted by the Ron Paul supporters, using simple logic in the essence of “He cannot be elected unless you vote for him and if you do choose him, as a delegate, it is not like you are throwing your vote away in defying the dictate of the mainstream propagandists.”
Continue reading “Washington Election Fraud – The Final Straw”
The war monger Mike Huckabee appeared on FOX News yesterday, setting the stage for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s meeting with President Barack Obama this coming Tuesday. Huckabee, a Zionist Jew in Christian clothing, said that he had just returned from a ten day visit to Israel and of course this good peace loving Christian is making the case for an attack on the people of Iran.
Huckabee stated that the Iranian government has declared that they want to wipe Israel off the map. This lie has been confronted many times and proven to be a lie. The full quote Huckabee referred to translated directly to English is, “The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.”
Continue reading “Mike Huckabee – Traitor Extraordinaire”