Reports out of Libya are saying that the Al Qaeda insurgents are in Tripoli and that the Libyan government is on the verge of collapse.  Well they had better be.  We need to get this Libyan thing wound up so that we can get busy with Syria.

I used to think that the powers that be thought we the people to be stupid.  Now I realize they do not care what we think.  I think the propaganda the mainstream is putting out is more for the peoples of other countries around the world than for the purpose of deceiving the US citizens.  I can safely say I know no one now who believes anything coming out of the mainstream media.  However the rest of the world must be having a good laugh on us, thinking that we actually believe this pathetic attempt at propaganda.
Continue reading “Gaddafi’s Libya Going Down, Who is Next?”

The treasonous insurgent Obama has stuck another blow for his people, which should not be confused with our people, as these illegal aliens coming across our southern border are our enemies and are intent on our destruction.  Think about it.  Obama has so abused the people of the United States that he has openly committed treason in order to gain the favor of an invading army.  And the rest of our government seems to be standing mute as our law enforcement is being ordered not to enforce our laws and hence not to enforce our rights.

The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution says the people shall be secure in their property.  The United States of America is the property of the citizens of the United States.  Obama has made it clear that he hates our Constitution and is hell bent on its destruction.  At what point do we the people just stand up and say, “No more”?
Continue reading “Obama Leads His Illegal Army in the Battle for the Republic”

Republican strategist Jack Burkman, appearing on FOX Business Freedom Watch, discussed the mainstream propagandists’ reasons for ignoring presidential candidate Ron Paul.  He said that the mainstream media had become a part of the two party system and that they didn’t want anything to change because they have become insiders within the two parties, and that if Paul became president they would no longer have their comfortable position in reporting the phony party lines as a part of the team.

People this is the future of our country we are talking about and these mainstream propaganda traitors should be jailed.  It is supposed to be an FCC requirement that all broadcasts serve the public good.  How is manipulating the presidential campaign through lies and deceit to be considered as for the public good?  Everyone at the FCC should be jailed.
Continue reading “Impeach and Arrest the Insurgent Barack Obama”

Dirty Jobs, Ice Road Truckers, Deadliest Catch, Ax Men, Swamp Loggers, did anyone ever think they would see the day when we are actually paying money to watch other people work?  Is this what we have been reduced to?  I mean we are not talking about following the lives of rock stars here.  Rome is burning and Nero has taken off to Martha’s Vineyard to fiddle in a mansion that is costing we the people $50,000 per week – Air Force One, Air Force Two, the Marine Helicopter, millions a week spent providing security.

What would George Washington think?  Hell our founding fathers would already be engaged in a second revolution by now.  But everything in its time, I suppose, as more of our jobs and industry goes overseas and the only solution those masquerading as our government can offer us is a new Central American Free Trade Agreement.  I guess this will save the Hondurans the trouble of having to travel north to take our jobs.
Continue reading “It is Time to Confront the Evil Elite”

I had an interesting experience recently.  My grandson was visiting, and being a six year old he likes cartoons.  He tells me he wants to watch Dora the Explorer.  I had seen little flashes here and there and had an idea of who Dora was, but had never actually watched an episode of Dora the Explorer.  I asked my grandson who Dora the Explorer is.  He said she is a nice little girl that saves animals.  So I thought, what the hey, I’ll watch Dora the Explorer with my grandson.

Do you guys want to know who Dora the Explorer really is?  She is a little Mexican girl who teaches little Mexican children how to read maps that show how to cross deserts, navigate jungles, scale mountains, and of course, ford rivers.  No, no, you haven’t heard the best part yet.
Continue reading “Dora the Explorer is Taking Your Children’s Jobs”

President Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat apparently up and purchased a brand new Men-in-Black bus to haul his armed guards around in.  And who did he buy it from?  That’s right, a Canadian company.  Is there any more this man could possibly do to hurt this country?  My oldest son worked for Monaco Coach Corporation in Eugene, Oregon before the recession/depression hit.  That business that built busses will never be again.

I hear a lot of the politicians saying to give big business tax breaks, create road projects, high speed rail, and infrastructure projects and the people will have jobs.  This is bullshit.  The businesses left in the United States have moved their operations to other countries where there is slave labor.  What they have left here has been downsized to the raw boned minimum.
Continue reading “99ers Every Dog Has Its Day”

Well it would seem those that make up the mainstream propaganda machine have seen the gleam of light from our pitchforks and smelled our burning torches.  Yesterday the matter of whether the media has been intentionally ignoring Ron Paul was front and center and in every quarter.  When we the people were asked, the answer was absolutely yes, which sent the talking heads scampering like rats on a sinking ship, putting forth brand new shiny experts to say Ron Paul cannot win the Republican nomination.

Well here is one for you.  He can’t lose without there being widespread voter fraud, which I truly believe will lead to violence in the streets.  I’ll tell what is probably going to happen here.  As the Republican Party Members decide who their candidate will be at their national convention through delegates, this is where the kabosh will be put on Ron Paul by the Republican Party.
Continue reading “Ron Paul’s Forces Strike Back”

In for a penny, in for a pound – the international corporate mafia and their Bilderberg core has now reached the point of no return.  They have spent billions of dollars building their propaganda machine that has been quite efficient for many years at perpetuating the false reality of the left-right paradigm.

Today the American people of the American race have begrudgingly been forced to break free from the false reality as the true reality can no longer be ignored.  The propaganda machine has completely lost credibility, but it is too late to change tactics.  They are now forced to go forward as if we the people are still asleep.
Continue reading “Bilderberg Perry Propagandists Attempting to Create a Grand Confusion”