New filings for unemployment benefits came in at 367,000 and the propagandists are hailing this pathetic number as a sign that the job market is slowly healing. Everyone out there does realize that these unemployment numbers are now being seasonally adjusted.
Personally I would like to know just how that works. The number is supposed to represent those individuals who lost their jobs, came into the unemployment office, and filed for benefits in a single week. So how in the hell do you seasonally adjust this number?
Continue reading “New Jobless Claims come in at 367,000 for the Week”
For the past fifty years the international corporate mafia has been using race, gender, age, class status, and religion to divide the American people in order to position themselves to inflict tyranny upon us all. Today Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, standing at the podium, was telling us how he was down on his knees talking to God. And apparently God agrees with Obama’s policies. I guess God must be a registered Democrat.
It is interesting to observe how the politicians get religion every few years when coming up on an election. Of course on the other side you have Newt Gingrich saying that Obama has launched a war on religion in the United States. Newt Gingrich, now there’s an example of a righteous man.
Continue reading “Presidential Candidates Weigh in on Religion and Morality”
It is being estimated that the United States will incur another $1.1 trillion budget deficit in 2012. As our country is bankrupt, this cannot be considered a good thing, and remember we have already made drastic cuts. If there is anyone out there who has not seen film footage from the 1920s Weimar Republic in Germany, you might better take a look. And if you think it cannot happen here, I for one would like to know why.
Quantitative easing is nothing new. It was indeed this same system that led to the devaluation of the German mark to the point that when a basket of them was found, the paper money was dumped and the basket was taken. Think about that.
Continue reading “Do not Listen to the Lies, Things are not getting Better”
Well it is Florida’s turn up to bat and it would seem the mainstream propagandists will probably be taking the day off as they have already recorded their reporting of the results. I know there are a lot of patriotic Americans of the American race in the State of Florida but to pretend that the New York Branch of the Kosher Mafia does not control Florida would be naïve. Florida is where all the old traitors go to retire and enjoy the ill begotten wealth they have stolen from the rest of us. And to think that the vote in Florida is not already fixed is just unrealistic.
Now before all you Floridians jump on the comments section to chastise me for dissing on your state, be advised I was born in Florida and have made a few trips back over the years. I know what has happened to the State of Florida. Hell, we might as well chop it off and slide it over against Cuba where it will fit in better. That is not to say that hope is lost, I’m sure that when we take our Republic back and reinstate our Constitution we can make Florida the truly awesome state it was before the sellout and invasion.
Continue reading “The Florida Primary and Special Interests Collectives”
By pushing through new appointments to his National Labor Relations Board and his so-called Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—without any consent from the Senate—President Obama is shredding our Constitution.
Utah Senator Mike Lee, a former constitutional lawyer, has stood up against Obama and blamed the President for using “deeply flawed legal reasoning”:
Continue reading “Stop Obama's Unconstitutional Appointments”
The Occupy movement has made it back into the mainstream via confrontations with the US Gestapo in Oakland. It is good to see the protesters adapting in the face of the ever increasing violence being committed against them by the treasonous authorities attempting to enforce the dictates of the corporate elite. Signs do indeed make formidable shields.
The protesters in Oakland actually maneuvered to lock their shields when they were fired upon by police who were shooting tear gas canisters, concussion grenades, bean bags, and rubber bullets. The mainstream propagandists are reporting that the protesters were attempting to occupy an empty building and this is why force was used upon them. If you examine the footage from Oakland you will see the police aggressively attacking the protesters who were merely marching down a street.
Continue reading “Occupy Oakland Protesters Attacked in the Streets”
Last week has seen a parade of fifth column dual citizen Latino-Americans that have wormed their way into positions of authority within our government in the mainstream news. All of the candidates for president in 2012 are being questioned as to how they will further facilitate the insurgency of foreign nationals across our southern border. Once again we are seeing blatant treason being shoved in our faces, the false contention being that Latino-Americans will decide our presidential election.
An aspect of this situation that is being completely overlooked is as follows: There is currently a world depression, which has been brought on by international fraud being committed by international elitists. Common people around the world are suffering as their governments tighten up on resources in order to transfer more wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich elite .
Continue reading “Treasonous Candidates Seek Latino Vote”
“I think he [Obama] threw Israel under the bus with regards to defining the ’67 borders as a starting point of negotiations,”
“I think he [Obama] has time and time again shown distance from Israel, and that has created, in my view, a greater sense of aggression on the part of the Palestinians,”
“I will stand with our friend, Israel.”
Continue reading “2012 Presidential Candidates Bow and Kiss the Zionist Ring”