“Patriot Front” Founder Is 23-Year-Old Who Walked In The Tiki Torch March In Charlottesville

Gateway Pundit – by Joe Hoft

As suspected, our investigative research of the ‘Patriot Front’ shows that the leader of the group is a 23-year-old, and many of the members are government informants as well.

Here we go again.  Is this all the FBI does?  How many actual criminals does the FBI arrest?  We see Comey, Hunter and McCabe walk free but Jan 6 innocents are thrown in DC jails?  This is very serious but so common that it’s become a joke.

A couple of weeks ago we reported on the mysterious ‘Patriot Front’ group that was seen in Washington D.C. and again in Chicago.  Per our review, we could tell that the individuals involved in the group were too fit to be radicals like the KKK, indicating they were likely another government-sponsored group.

This weekend the far left Unicorn riot identified the leader of this Deep State domestic terrorist group the “Patriot Front”.  The leader and founder is a 23-year-old male by the name of Thomas Ryan Rousseau.

See the pics and read the rest here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/breaking-exclusive-patriot-front-founder-23-year-old-walked-tiki-torch-march-charlottesville/

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