Pelosi on Illegals: ‘We Cannot Prohibit a Path to Citizenship’

Benghazi Attack PelosiCNS News- by Penny Starr

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said today that the United States, as a country, “cannot prohibit a pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens.

“As a country, we cannot, let me say, we cannot prohibit a path to citizenship,” Pelosi said Tuesday at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation annual economic summit in Washington, D.C.  

“I don’t think we as a country want to be a country that says, ‘You can do our work, but you can’t have the rights of a citizen in our country,’” said Pelosi. “It’s more about who we are as a nation.”

Pelosi joined other politicians, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) to discuss the economy and other topics, including immigration reform.

Nancy Cordes, a congressional correspondent with CBS, asked Pelosi if she would be open to the House Republicans introducing legislation that would put pieces of immigration reform up for consideration that might not include a “pathway to citizenship.”

“It has to be comprehensive immigration reform,” Pelosi said. “Now, the Senate bill is not a bill that I embrace lovingly.

“However, it’s bipartisan. It passed the Senate. It’s something that could be signed into law immediately, and I’ve urged the speaker to take up that bill,” Pelosi said, referring to S. 744, the Border Security and Immigration Modernization Act, which cleared that body in June 2013.

Pelosi said House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republicans might present an alternative to the Senate bill before this session ends, but it would have to include a pathway to citizenship to gain her support.

“But to your direct point about citizenship; the Senate Bill is effectively a legalization bill with a path to citizenship. It’s long, arduous and takes a good deal of time,” Pelosi said.

“What I’d like to see is a bill that does something similar to that,” Pelosi said. “I don’t think we as a country want to be a country that says, ‘You can do our work, but you can’t have the rights of a citizen in our country.’

“It’s more about who we are as a nation,” Pelosi said, adding that illegal aliens want to be “relieved of deportation.”

“As a country, we cannot, let me say, we cannot prohibit a path to citizenship,” she said.

7 thoughts on “Pelosi on Illegals: ‘We Cannot Prohibit a Path to Citizenship’

  1. Pelosi, america does not prohibit a ‘path to citizenship’.
    All you have to do is go to an embassy, wait in line, fill out the paperwork,
    pay the processing fees, and wait for the outcome.
    Alternatively, you can marry an american, go to the embassy, wait in line, fill out the paperwork, pay the processing fees, and wait for the outcome.


    1. … and take Citizenship, Constitutional and English classes THEN fill out the application paperwork.
      . . .

  2. The path that really needs not to be prohibited is the path to the gallows for all the traitors in DC and all other places of government employee’s at all levels! This country has been totally taken over by traitors from with in and still the courts and law enforcement still protect them. This is leading to a very bad spot in the very near future at the present rate of decline,while the media keeps up the lie that its getting so much better.The real citizens here are the ones that are ignored the most.

  3. You lying, Zionist bitch.

    We have a path to citizenship, and we’ve always had one, but it doesn’t include illegal invasions of millions of people claiming to be “re-conquering the land for Mexico”, who also promise to “kill all the gringos”.

    And we have a path for traitors too. Right to the gallows.

    There’s a big difference between immigration, and invasion, and the Mexicans have clearly stated that they’re here to invade, and conquer.

    Pelosi knows this, and she’s assisting in the process. What more do you need to know about this topic?

  4. “I don’t think we as a country want to be a country that says, ‘You can do our work, but you can’t have the rights of a citizen in our country,’” said Pelosi.”

    We want to be a country that says we can do our OWN work, you putrid c#nt, and we don’t need any treasonous communist b#tches like you telling us any different.

    Zionist whore.

    1. Ha no doubt #1. We are allready a damned country and it is the politicions that are destroying our great country

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