Pelosi on the Border: We Have to Use This ‘Crisis’ as an ‘Opportunity’

Breitbart TV

Saturday at a press conference from the Rio Grande Valley, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discussed her tour of a border holding facility and addressed the humanitarian crisis of thousands unaccompanied minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, which she called a “humanitarian opportunity.”

Pelosi explained, “We are all Americans — north and south in this hemisphere,” and urged America to see this as not a crisis but an opportunity “to be helpful.” She also said she wished she could simply “take home” the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities.  

According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, in the past fiscal year more than 47,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the border into the United States through Mexico with the majority coming from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

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8 thoughts on “Pelosi on the Border: We Have to Use This ‘Crisis’ as an ‘Opportunity’

  1. “Pelosi explained, “We are all Americans — north and south in this hemisphere,” and urged America to see this as not a crisis but an opportunity “to be helpful.””

    AKA Promoting the North American Union

    “She also said she wished she could simply “take home” the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities.”

    AKA Treason

  2. Well, there we go – let’s help Nancy Pelosi take those 47,000 Central American children home with her and solve the problem!!! According to and matching it to Google Maps street view, she lives at 2568 Broadway Street, San Francisco, CA. However, who knows if that is the correct address, so in lieu of a verifiable address, the children can be sent to her San Francisco office at 90 7th Street, Suite 2-800, or to her D.C. office at 235 Cannon HOB.

  3. well we will soon have a few more thousand “migrants” in northwest indiana to steal jobs sell drugs to our kids destroy our neighborhoods and collect govt cheese wonderful.

  4. “She also said she wished she could simply “take home” the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities.”

    I believe she actually meant that one.

    That would bring in a hefty sum on the international slave market.

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