Police are actively investigating after someone driving a red pickup truck was doing burnouts and left tire marks on pride mural after it was installed three days ago

Law enforcement is currently investigating an incident captured on video on Wednesday evening, showing someone driving a red pickup truck doing a burnout and leaving tire marks on the Pride mural and crosswalk in Huntington, West Virginia.

This occurred less than three days after the crosswalk and mural were installed to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community. The police are collaborating with Huntington Pride to repair the damage and have confirmed their awareness of the video.

Authorities are reviewing the footage to identify the driver and are asking the public for any additional information to assist in their investigation. Local officials and community leaders have condemned the act.

3 thoughts on “Police are actively investigating after someone driving a red pickup truck was doing burnouts and left tire marks on pride mural after it was installed three days ago

  1. Gee…Wish they put that much effort in fighting real crime like deporting every illegal immigrant. Glad they know where their priorities lay.


  2. Love the fact that there’s a lawnmower in the back of the truck like the guy was just out mowing someone’s lawn, saw the crossing on the way home & thought “F*ck it! Why not?!” LMFAO! 😂

    I absolutely love this kind of activism from NORMAL people who are getting sick & tired of ALL of this degenerate sickness. It needs to cleaned up & more NORMAL people need to start stepping up to the task. Looking forward to lots more!

  3. They were just adding the black stripe to it , nothing to get your panties all in an uproar about

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