Police to ask about your sexual orientation and English language proficiency


Under a proposed new law, Missouri cops will record a person’s race, their perceived sexual orientation, religion, disability and their English language proficiency!

Reams of data now show that “driving while black” is a real offense in the eyes of some Missouri officers and departments and it’s about to get worse!  

Below are a some excerpts taken from the new law:

1. Declaration of Legislative Intent and Findings.

A. The Legislature of the State of Missouri finds that biased policing alienates people from police, hinders community policing efforts, and causes law enforcement to lose credibility and trust among the people law enforcement is sworn to protect and serve. Law enforcement policies and training programs must emphasize the need to respect the balance between the rights of all persons to be free from unreasonable governmental intrusions and law enforcement’s need to enforce the law.

This one sentence almost made me believe police would respect the Constitution, until I read about data collection.

2. Definitions.

As used in this section, the following terms have the following meanings:

“Law enforcement activity,” means the following activities by law enforcement

i. Traffic stops;
ii. Pedestrian stops;
iii. Consensual or nonconsensual frisks/pat downs
iv. Consensual or nonconsensual searches of persons, property, or possessions, including vehicles;

Where in the Bill of Rights does it allow police to search citizens?

Police to ask about a person’s religion, sexual orientation and their English language proficiency!

4. Data Collection.

A. Each time a law enforcement officer stops a driver of a motor vehicle or completes a pedestrian stop, that officer shall report the following information to the law enforcement agency that employs the officer:

i. The perceived race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, English language proficiency or national origin of the individual stopped;
ii. The time, date, location, and duration of the stop;
iii. Whether the person stopped resides in the jurisdiction in which such person was stopped;

viii. If a search was of a passenger in the vehicle, the perceived race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, English language proficiency or national origin of the passenger;

Did you catch that, police will question passengers as well!

Mimicking oppressive police states like Russia, China and Nazi Germany, the government agents (police) recording the info. will remain anonymous!

C. Law enforcement agencies shall

i. Compile data on the standardized form determined by the Attorney General and submit the form to the Attorney General’s office by March 1 of each year;
ii. Update the compiled data and conspicuously publicize the data on the respective law enforcement agency’s website on a monthly basis;
iii. Maintain all data collected under this Act for not less than 4 years;
iv. Provide for the protection of the privacy of individuals whose data is collected by not providing to the public individual names and identifying information regarding the particular law enforcement officers who made the stops and the pedestrians, drivers, and passengers who were stopped.

The data will be sent to the Governor and DHS, because police departments answer to Homeland Security.

Section 5. Data Analysis.

A. The attorney general shall analyze the annual reports of law enforcement agencies required by this section and submit a report of the findings to the governor, the general assembly and each law enforcement agency no later than June first of each year.
B. The data analysis shall be completed using best practices and include meaningful benchmarks as appropriate for the type of population and appropriate for the geographic areas being analyzed, against which data shall be measured, which may include:

i. Using race- and ethnicity-specific data about the residential population; or
ii. Using a race- and ethnicity-specific spatial weighting data analysis tool;
iii. Using race- and ethnicity-specific data about traffic accidents in which the driver is not found to be at fault;
iv. Using race- and ethnicity-specific data from observational surveys of motorists;
v. Using information about the residency of individuals stopped gathered by officers. This analysis shall be used only in addition to the one or more of the benchmarks listed in this section;
vi. Using a combination of the above listed benchmark measures.

What they’re really saying is the government (DHS) is using police to gather an ILLEGAL profile of every citizen!

The Scary Truth About Police State America:


2 thoughts on “Police to ask about your sexual orientation and English language proficiency

  1. I am not an attorney, but I do know how to say,”Bugger off”. That would be the extent of the conversation. This police state shit has gone far enough.

  2. I gotta goof on this one. Sorry people.
    This scene in the movie is you have your trunk monkey.
    He gets out of the car and squarely kicks the cop in gnads.
    Just like that show in the movie Idiocracy.

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