Police unsure what ‘sins’ provoked attack on brothers


NEW HARTFORD, N.Y. (AP) — The fatal beating of a young man and the savage attack on his younger brother by relatives and fellow members of an upstate New York church was intended to get them to confess their sins, investigators said, but they still haven’t determined what those supposed sins were.

Police said spiritual “counseling” at the Word of Life church turned into an hours-long attack Sunday night in which Lucas Leonard, 19, and his 17-year-old brother, Christopher, were pummeled with fists and kicked. They suffered injuries to the abdomen, genitals, back and thighs.  
Eventually, Lucas Leonard stopped breathing and relatives took him early Monday to a hospital, where he died, police said. Authorities went to the church and found his younger brother, who was hospitalized in serious condition.

“Both brothers were subjected to physical punishment over the course of several hours, in hopes that each would confess to prior sins and ask for forgiveness,” Police Chief Michael Inserra said Wednesday.

He said investigators were still working on details of what provoked the attack. The brothers’ parents, Bruce and Deborah Leonard, were charged with manslaughter in Lucas’ death. Four other adults were charged with assault in the younger brother’s beating, including Sarah Ferguson, 33, the victims’ sister.

All the suspects pleaded not guilty. Lawyers for the parents and the sister had no comment. Seven children, four of them Ferguson’s, were turned over to child welfare authorities. Police said more arrests are expected as the investigation continues.

“We’re not alleging that they intended to kill their son,” Inserra said of the parents, but “they were attempting to seriously hurt their son, and he died as a result.” After Lucas Leonard was brought to the hospital, police suspected his younger brother had been hurt, too, but his relatives wouldn’t tell officers where he was, the chief said. After searching for hours, police found him on the second floor of the church.

Word of Life has existed for as many as 30 years in New Hartford. The beatings took place at the red-brick former elementary school that serves as both a church and a communal home for several members of the congregation, including one of the suspects. It has long stirred curiosity and suspicion in New Hartford, a once-thriving mill town of 22,000 people about 50 miles from Syracuse.

Nearby, in the village where the Leonard brothers lived with their parents, neighbors recalled a highly religious family that kept mostly to itself. “I’m really afraid. In my heart I don’t think this is the first incident,” said Eva Monaghan, who lives around the corner. “Over all the years, I can’t imagine this is the first thing. Maybe nothing as bad. Around town, it’s considered a cult.”

The police chief, however, said he had no indication Word of Life was anything but a church and a home. Nancy Kneller, who used to work at a Catholic church next door, said local residents had long been suspicious of the place.

“Why are they so secretive? Why are there no kids out playing?” she said. Still, she added, “I think they’re good people that made a bad decision.” The Leonards live in nearby Clayville, a village of 350 people, in a two-story, wood-frame duplex. The sister lived in the attic with her own children, a neighbor said.

Lucas and Christopher Leonard read the Bible two hours a day at their parents’ insistence and “weren’t really allowed to go out of their house” for sleepovers, said another neighbor, Nicole Howard. The brothers “weren’t allowed to do normal things, but they tried to be as normal as they could be.”

The Leonards home-schooled their children, eschewed TV and did not take part in Halloween, either leaving home or turning off all the lights, neighbor Jim Constantine said. Some Christians do not observe Halloween because of its pagan origins and macabre themes.

The children weren’t entirely isolated from everyday life, though: Lucas Leonard routinely was hired to watch Constantine’s dog when he was away, including this past weekend. “Pleasant kid. No bad talk,” Constantine said. “No nothing.

Associated Press writers Chris Carola in Albany, New York, and Jennifer Peltz in New York City contributed to this report.


7 thoughts on “Police unsure what ‘sins’ provoked attack on brothers

  1. The smell of another hoax is already in the air. Let’s see how many areas “fit” the NWO agenda

    The Leonards were a (1) highly religious family who (2) home-schooled their children, (3) eschewed TV and did not take part in (4) Halloween

    Perfect isn’t it?

  2. Maybe so but there are lunatic religious nuts out there. I know, I had one hit me in the head with a bible once for disagreeing with him.


  4. Wow…sounds like they really beat the love of Jesus into those sinners. I hope he confessed before he gave up the ghost.

    “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, I hereby kick your testicles into your belly to help you repent, and feel God’s love.”

    There are a lot of lunatics who use the Bible (or the Talmud) as a tool of control, or domination. Many people find strength and encouragement by putting their faith in the lord, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there are some nuts to watch out for in all religions.

  5. Just another reason I do Christ, not religion! There are waaaayyyy too many so-called “Christians” that do this sort of thing and they wonder why true Christians despise their Dominionist mindset…. folks like this need to remember what Christ did when the Pharisees were about to stone a so-called “adultress”…He immediately condemned them, leading to these Pharisees wanting Him put to death.

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