President John F. Kennedy and US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy forced the American Zionist Counsel to register as a foreign agent, blocking them from donating to US officials.

By Shadow of Ezra

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963.


RFK was assassinated on June 5, 1968.

AIPAC replaced the American Zionist Counsel without any opposition.

Letter signed by Donald Rumsfeld.

No textbooks will teach your children this part of history.


One thought on “President John F. Kennedy and US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy forced the American Zionist Counsel to register as a foreign agent, blocking them from donating to US officials.

  1. RFK Jr. knows Israel had a hand in murdering his father RFK and also JFK, which is why he is a ZioShill–he’s too cowardly to oppose Israel…. A Republican Congressman supposedly opposes Israel and then his wife “dies suddenly” (and she was not vaxxed)…. More “murder-ruled”?….

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