Presidents of Germany, Austria, and Israel stand together

International March of the Living

Nov 8, 2020

“Eighty-two years, and the dark shadows of the past have not disappeared from our streets.” The Presidents of Germany, Austria, and Israel stand together in a joint call against hatred and antisemitism, on the eve of the Kristallnacht anniversary.

3 thoughts on “Presidents of Germany, Austria, and Israel stand together

  1. You spawn of satan will HANG together, mf’s!

    And “Never Again” will be OUR slogan because WE see you and know there’s one way to keep you from coming back to oppress US.

    You’re gonna need that extra bit of honker to poke above the red tide and steal your last snootful of oxygen.

    Funny how the video has hundreds of views, 4x the number of likes/dislikes and yet not a single comment?

    You’re beak is showing, wojcicki. Might wanna take a few steps back.

    Better yet, you’d better figure out space travel because that’s you’re only way out you’ll find appealing.

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