Protesters condemn Netanyahu’s visit to Paris

Published on Jun 5, 2018

Protesters marched on Paris’ Champs-Elysees on Tuesday to denounce Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the French capital and to demand boycotting the France-Israel cultural season.

Activists called for Netanyahu to be tried as a “war criminal” and also accused French President Emmanuel Macron of being complicit in Netanyahu’s “crimes against Palestinians.”

One thought on “Protesters condemn Netanyahu’s visit to Paris

  1. What the fk is this world coming to.

    When a genocidal war criminal can’t even eat a few french pastries.

    I mean… he should feel right at home.

    The French killed a lot of native americans here and in Canada.

    Like seeing an old friend.

    I’m sure the French know how to make a killer falafel pastry by now.

    The French are a bunch of two faced back stabbing killers.

    Look at the Louisiana purchase.

    Just think of how many indians those fkrs killed to claim it.

    For King Louis ianna.

    It’s good to be king.

    And fk french fries.

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