Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of the Chabad-Lubavitch Tunnel Jews: “A Jew is like God himself” “God gave Jews power over the entire world.”

One thought on “Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of the Chabad-Lubavitch Tunnel Jews: “A Jew is like God himself” “God gave Jews power over the entire world.”

  1. So, Rebbe, if God gave the Jews power to be gods and “overpower” God Himself, then how come a certain Dude 2000+ years ago kicked your predecessors’ asses out of the “House of Prayer” which your predecessors’ had turned into a den of thieves? But I guess your predecessors’ crucifixion of Him a few days later solved that problem…. Oh, I forgot, He “rose from the dead” a few days later…. So I guess your Synagogue of Satan really can’t “overpower” God after all… Bwahahahahahahahahah!

    Outer darkness, maybe? Hmmmmmm….. And screw your Gitten 57a garbage about this same Dude burning in Hell for eternity in his own excrement…or are you Talmudics just projecting as usual? Double bwahahahahahahahahahahahah!

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