Reports from the ground at Conn. gun rights rally

Thousands gather in Hartford to hold gun rights rally.Examiner – by Anthony Martin

Connecticut’s gun rights rally on the state capitol grounds in Hartford Saturday was better attended than all of the expectations beforehand. At least 3,000 persons gathered for the event, and one reporter stated that he counted 5,000.

The high number of attendees, however, is but a microcosm of what is going on in the state in the aftermath of the new restrictive gun, magazine, and bullet laws passed by the legislature and signed by the governor.  

Rumors have been afloat for months that over 100,000 state residents have defied the new laws by refusing to register “assault weapons,” “high capacity” magazines, and refraining from loading more than 10 bullets into those magazines.

It has also been rumored that certain law enforcement groups in the state fully support the gun rights activists and are determined to refuse to enforce the new laws.

Saturday’s rally was entirely peaceful without a single incident reported to police. And law enforcement assigned to the event were friendly, even helpful, to the protesters in spite of the fact that at least half of the participants were engaging in open carry of firearms.

David Codrea of The Examiner and The War on Guns was the featured speaker, and he has provided links to the video of the speech. Part Two of the speech can be viewed here.

YouTube also has a collection of videos of all of the speeches from Saturday’s event.

Ron Gaudreau also alerted The Examiner to an entire collection of photos he took at the rally, which he has posted at Facebook.

The good news concerning the widespread interest in Connecticut in demonstrating opposition to the state’s new gun laws is that such sentiments appear to be spreading. States such as New York, Rhode Island, and Maryland report significant citizen resistance to more restrictions on gun rights. And Rhode Island in particular stopped cold the advance toward more gun restrictions by electing key gun rights activists to important positions in the state legislature.

But the bad news is that the federal government has not relented one iota. Attorney General Eric Holder disclosed today that the Justice Dept. is considering tracking bracelets for firearms, meaning that if you purchase and carry a gun, the federal government would like to be able to track you like a criminal.

Apparently the Feds have not heard that gun owners in the states are successfully resisting any effort to further restrict their gun rights by state and local governments. They are angry, motivated, and ready to defend those rights against any entity, including the federal government.

4 thoughts on “Reports from the ground at Conn. gun rights rally

  1. I’ve heard it estimated that for every person that shows up at a demonstration, there are 50 more of a like mind that stay home.

    Only 1 in 50 people are likely to actually show up for a typical demonstration, but that number is probably a lot higher than 50 in this instance because of the nature of the issue. We belong to a movement that tries very hard to remain anonymous, and because we’re dealing with the potential for war here, it’s very wise for them to do so.

    We’re not protesting to get a traffic light installed on a busy intersection. We’re taking on the most powerful people on the planet, in a struggle that’s likely to result in all-out war, so laying low is only the most basic, and sensible military strategy that makes sense for the people on our side.

    Fly under the radar, spread the truth in person, and no one needs to know how many weapons or bullets you have. If you do decide to attend demonstrations, show up ready for action, because it may likely begin at such a rally.

    1. “If you do decide to attend demonstrations, show up ready for action, because it may likely begin at such a rally.”

      Much like the US using operatives in the Ukraine as snipers, I believe ‘the 2nd shot heard round the world’ will probably be fired by a provocateur, placed in the crowd by the government.

      I can think of no better example than this very short vid’:

      I think American patriots WELL KNOW what is at stake, and are treading surely but carefully.

      BE AWARE.

  2. “Attorney General Eric Holder disclosed today that the Justice Dept. is considering tracking bracelets for firearms, meaning that if you purchase and carry a gun, the federal government would like to be able to track you like a criminal.”

    So if we own a gun, the little lying treasonous weasel wants us to wear or put a bracelet on our gun to let him know that we have one and where it is located? Hang the Commie!



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