Residents of Town Near Ferguson Warned: Be Ready

ABC News

A St. Louis County town that neighbors Ferguson, Missouri, is warning residents to prepare for potential unrest that may follow the grand jury announcement in the Michael Brown case.

Berkeley officials passed out flyers this week urging its 9,000 residents to be prepared just as they would in the event of a major storm, with plenty of food, water and medicine on hand in case they’re unable to leave home for several days.  

The flyer says Lambert Airport will be protected by the National Guard, but airport spokesman Jeff Lea says that’s wrong. Lea says the airport will continue to be protected by its own security force.

Brown was killed Aug. 9 by Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson. A grand jury is expected to decide this month whether to charge Wilson.

One thought on “Residents of Town Near Ferguson Warned: Be Ready

  1. As this is a police problem and they can handle it. Or at least they brag they can. It would be a good time to convert there armored retreat vehicle int a pizza and liquid delivery truck. And drive door to door delivering care packages. Just to show they care.

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