Ron Paul Closing the Gap – Stand Ready to Fight and Win

So, it is Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, running neck in neck in the general election.  NO IT IS NOT!!!  Mitt Romney has NOT been nominated as the GOP candidate.  Therefore, he and Obama cannot be running neck in neck in any election.  If Ron Paul continues to gain delegates at the rate he is at present, it is all together conceivable that he, not Romney, could win the nomination on the first round of the convention.

The mainstream media, in its deliberate actions in falsely reporting the GOP delegate count, is guilty of conspiracy to insurrection, as it is an act of treason to remove our representative form of elected government from our Constitution.

If there no longer remains any avenue for we the people to assert our will, this can no longer be called a government of the people and by the people.

It has become common knowledge that our government officials are bought and paid for by foreign corporations and foreign governments.

The ongoing theft of our natural resources to the tune of trillions of dollars a year is out front and obvious, yet it seems any remedy is being put out of reach.

The draconian legislations that have been put into place for the past thirty years have reduced us to fearing even to talk to one another about what our government is up to.

Our courts, from the top to the bottom, are corrupted.

The absolute reality of the dismissal of Ron Paul will have to become evident before the Republican Convention in August.  We are reaching the point that something simply has to give.  Either these insurgents are going to have to go into retreat or they are going to have to attack with everything they have, in the hope that they can buffalo us into surrendering our firearms, because they sure as hell do not possess anything close to what would be necessary to take them from us in a dog fight.

If they attack us we must counter attack and not stop until every one of them is destroyed.  In the long run, this will actually save lives, as it will soon become apparent that their effort is futile and doomed to failure.  We must become vicious and determined.  In the end we will not settle for half measures.

We will have our Republic back under our Constitution, absolute.  And we will put in place new safeguards to make sure it will be many generations down the line before these vipers find a way to slither their way back into the lives of our progeny.

God bless this Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

3 thoughts on “Ron Paul Closing the Gap – Stand Ready to Fight and Win

  1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the GOP will make sure that Mitt Romney has more than the 1144 delegates needed long before the convention rolls around in August. They figure that if they can get away with putting an illegal alien in the White House, then re-electing said illegal alien by rigging the election to have him face another phony fall guy like Romney will be a piece of cake!

    On a totally unrelated note: the picture used with this article is horrible! Is that supposed to be Ron Paul or Willie Nelson? *snicker*

  2. The MSM can’t cover the vote fraud. “Election fraud” SAY IT. If Romney had crowds where THOUSANDS of people showed up maybe there would be reason to think Ron Paul was hijacking the process but he doesn’t. Mittens can barely fill a room.

    The MSM wants us to believe that Ron Paul can fill a stadium with 4,000 people with ease and can also fill stadiums with 5,000 to 8,000 people but NONE if them go vote. Then when those people that got their votes stolen go become delegates and alternates THEY are the ones hijacking the process…

    I can hear the MSM calling for a “popular vote” on Easy Hack 100 voting machines where the results are counted in secret. This will streamline the delegate process. This will save us all the hassle of this ARCANE delegate selection process.

    Our founding fathers set up a republic, not a democracy.  A representative form of government where individual rights were protected, and the minority’s rights were protected as well as the majority’s rights. They did not set up mob rule. Isn’t it interesting that the man who understands and defends the constitution understands the delegate process and educated his supporters to use it the way it was intended.

    If Romney had the mass support they old boy network would have us believe he does, there would be more Romney supporters at these caucuses giving speeches for Romney and becoming delegates. Instead they are “overwhelmed” by Ron Paul supporters. Is this our first election or have we been at this for over 236 years? Romney has the support of the MSM and obviously the monied interests at the RNC in contravention to the party’s own rules. He does not have popular support and obviously does not have delegate support or they wouldn’t have to bend the rules and resort to “shenanigans” to get Romney people on the ballots to become delegates.

    The MSM will also be surprised no doubt to know that the electoral college selects our president…again a representative form of government not the popular vote of the masses. In this “arcane” process electors cast their vote for the president…and it is very difficult to steal that vote the same way it is very difficult to steal the votes of delegates: just as our founding fathers intended.

    This year is exposing the fraud that had become the old boy selection process and the fact that the American people had a “momentary lapse of reason” when it came to voting machines and self governance. They have re-awoken in droves and realize the constitution and the republican form of government our founding fathers fought and died for was a very, very good thing. It has yet to be equalled or surpassed on planet Earth, and remains the envy of the nations of the world. It is high time we got back to our roots and the nuts and bolts of self governance to include counting votes, becoming delegates and electors, and generally being informed on issues beyond birth control and gay marriage. 

    Word of this never would have gotten out to the masses except for the internet. To hear the MSM tell it there is no vote/election fraud and Ron Paul’s supports are the few but ardent who somehow have mystically mastered this arcane, cumbersome, outdated, useless, delegate process and are now subverting the will of the people. The only subversion here is the will of the very few who own the federal reserve and who make money off the endless wars on drugs and terror and naughty Americans who think they have a right to travel and to privacy and free speech.

    Ron Paul 2012.

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