14 thoughts on “Ron Paul: Jade Helm 15 Update

  1. Ron Paul seems like the real deal…I’m not sure if he knows about all the 9/11 stuff , etc, or if he is just patriotic / constitution supportive , but either way ..i think he would have been the best president in 52 years

    1. I don’t know, Mr. Solo. After listening to this I’m more convinced than ever that he’s no different than G.W. Bush or any of them.

      He just appeals to a different market, but he’ll never try to change the game. Some people always did know what was going on (long before the “truth movement”), and you’ll always need someone in congress to let them think they’re represented there.

      I don’t think anyone in congress could not know what happened on 9-11, so he’s definitely propagating the lie, and when he said “you have to give up some liberty for safety” as if it couldn’t be questioned, that clinched it for me.

      And since he’s on his “Liberty Hour” trying to quell fears about Jade Helm, I’m more concerned about it than I ever was.

    2. Ron Paul seems to me like a shill who ran a smoke screen in 2008 for Barack Obama to make sure John McCain, the designated Republican loser of the election, was put in place, and then again in 2012 making sure that the Bain Capital CEO Mitt Romney, designated Republican loser of the election, was put in place. Hell, I don’t think Obama could have done it without him.
      Ron Paul is a multi-millionaire gold mine owner and his son was picked out of his ass. They are a relief valve and a diversion from the absolute reality of the communist totalitarian dictatorship that can only be removed one way, and that is force.
      We are not going to play these f#@king games with you people any more. The election system in this country is 110% fraud and it has been for a long time and neither of the Pauls are going to do a thing about it because they have a lot to lose in an open war for the restitution of our Republic.
      To pretend that they don’t know absolutely everything that is going on is hot steamy horse shit. They are f#@king traitors like the rest of their ilk.

      1. Exactly.
        He’s no more than a gatekeeper, someone who instilled false hope in those who still believed foundational principles still had a chance, then he ran his campaign to lose.
        There’s not a one in DC and most state capitols that don’t deserve to hang.

        1. Yep. Provides the reason for “election” outcome. Illusion to buy more time. They kill us off daily. Does anyone believe they wouldn’t kill off anyone who might pose a real threat? JFK was remedied in full view of public eye and was blatantly propped up as a lone gunman assassin. A smokescreen to keep us at bay. They are as truthful as their masters. Big screen is big lies. Embrace it, we live in the matrix. Now deal with it and prepare accordingly.

      2. I didn’t know he was a gold miner owner Henry! I knew he was a ob/gyn and a filthy career politician. While I liked some of his policies, I always thought there was something about him that just didn’t feel right. I think you guys turned the light on for me, he is a distraction, someone put out there to make us think we had representation when we do not.

  2. “Of course, you know, the federal government owns so much land in the United States that they’re able to get away with something like this by saying they’re going to operate on federal land…”

    No, the federal government owns squat except for that satanic area on the east coast with all the masonic symbolism, the area we call the district of criminals.

    And after that stinking piece of propaganda only 1:15 into the video, I’m not listening to any more of this shyte.

  3. I campaigned for Paul in a high screwl government class as he was making his initial run for Senate. He won overwhelmingly. I have been a supporter until his run for the gop candidate when he was ceremoniously defeated by the electoral college.
    His son son did not back him and is now the the next big thing and the new front page.
    I smell a rat.

  4. Scumbags and traitors, all…

    It won’t be long, now.

    Yah Bless the Republic;
    No king but King Jesus.

  5. Listen to the start 0….till 1:30 ? The fed. gov. doesn’t own nothing. ron paul is the sheep in wolves clothing.

  6. The CIA knew all along that they’d accidentally killed JFK from the car behind his & just covered it up so the agent & agency responsible wouldn’t be accountable. And just leave the world thinking it was someone else.

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