Ron Paul Surging Upward as Elite Intensify Campaign of Duplicity

Lack of detailed coverage in reference to the legislations going through our Congress this week is truly alarming.  The National Defense Authorization Act, if passed can be considered nothing short of a complete repeal of the Bill of Rights.  The purposed unemployment extension bill would cut 40% of the coverage and divert millions into the pockets of the medical labs that will perform the urinalyses on the unemployed seeking benefits.

If the unemployment extension package is not passed, 3 million will be reduced to zero income overnight and of course be removed from the unemployment rate number, intensifying the lie of recovery.  Consumer prices have risen 3.4% and the increased spending of dollars that are buying fewer products is actually being portrayed as a positive in our economy.  Half of the US population, 150 million citizens, are now considered impoverished, and 50 million of that number are considered extremely impoverished.

We the American people of the American race are perishing under the status quo as we watch the handful of corporate elitists controlling our government push for even more transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the top 1%.

If you earn $10 million per year it would take you 100 years to make $1 billion.  Now these billionaires and multi-billionaires in no way have 100 years of work invested in their wealth.  This being said, could someone explain to me what super fantastic idea or activity over what span of time could possibly create this kind of real wealth through any legitimate activity?  It is an outrage to try to sell this concept to any thinking human being.  It is a blasphemy to try to sell it to 150 million Americans living in poverty.  There is just no way this kind of wealth can be acquired through honest means.  In short no person, no activity, and no idea can be considered that valuable.

This is the arrogance of the international elite.  They believe themselves to be this special.  But consider this.  A person on Wall Street, who does nothing more than buy and sell debt, has a grossly higher income than a brain surgeon.  I believe people should be paid for being creative and innovative, but if we live in a society where access to opportunity has become a hereditary right to a select few who have manipulated the playing field to their advantage, a blatantly evidenced lack of practical priority ceases to exist, and the tree literally dies from the top down.

Though a handful of individuals hold enormous wealth and the corporations continue to show record profits, the rest of the United States is bankrupt.  For a country like ours, and in considering the enormous wealth of our resources, to wind up bankrupt with a handful of those in the management positions amassing fortunes in the process, it is theft and no amount of whitewash can change that reality.

Each year since the so called housing bubble collapsed, the American people, poor and middle class alike, have seen their situation worsen.  And this year is going to be worse than any year previous.  Things are not going to get better until we stop the theft.

The reality that the port shutdowns, accomplished by the Occupy protesters on the west coast, have been immensely effect is made obvious by the mainstream propagandists’ move to stop all coverage of the events and the nasty attempts to demonize the protesters in trying to take their individuality away and paint them with a broad brush as just plain bad.

Weather allowing, it would be nice to see further port shutdowns all across the nation, further restricting the flow of our natural resources out and the junk products in.  The fact is the port shutdowns have been so effective that the 1% are aching to scream out in indignation and demand that the army stop them.

Though the various ports are leased to corporations, every entry into the United States belongs to we the people,  It is our right as a last ditch effort to shut down our ports if that is what it takes to regain control of our natural resources.

That being said, we must stay on point and keep the pressure on until we can get Dr. Paul into office.  After which we can stop the flow of our resources through our representation.

God bless this Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

0 thoughts on “Ron Paul Surging Upward as Elite Intensify Campaign of Duplicity

  1. I think that the year 2012 will be the most momentus and decisive year in world history. It’s make it, or break it time, brothers and sisters. When Ron Paul is elected President, we can look forward to reforms, to reinstate our Constitution, to clean up the totally corrupt Federal Govt., avoid WW!!! with Russia and China, over Iran, end the Federal Reserve, abolish the Dept. of Homeland Security and the TSA, and generally get our country back on the right track. If Dr. Paul is not elected, due to assaination, election fraud, or any other corrupt bullshit that the NWO can think of to keep him out of office, then people, it’s time to lock an’ load ! We’ll either fight for our rights, or be on a one way trip to Camp Fema. Ron Paul in 2012 !

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