Salon: Now No One Needs Bolt Action Rifles Either

The Truth About Guns – by Dan Zimmerman

Now someone at Salon — a sixth generation grandson of Thomas Jefferson— is falling on his fainting couch after learning that some Americans like to shoot at long distances. The horror…the horror….

Maybe he’s never heard of PRS. In any case, it’s clearly time to do away with these “military-grade killing machines.” 

Take a minute and look at all the military-speak gun-culture nomenclature babble they slap down: “match-grade” and “muzzle brake” and “infinitely adjustable folding stock” and all the rest of that crap. That’s the way they market guns like the “Scorpion,” (sic) and you know what it is? It’s insane.

OK, their use of “insane” is a kind of gun-lover-hipster-speak, and the Scorpio isn’t a semiautomatic assault rifle like the ones used to kill 20 children and six teachers at Sandy Hook, or the the 50 Muslim worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand, or the 17 students and faculty killed in Parkland, Florida, or the 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas.

But it’s the same style of weapon, with the same style aluminum stock and ventilated “rails” alongside its barrel, and it’s got capabilities far in excess of what would be necessary for any sort of legitimate civilian usage. “Loaded up with the faster 230-grain Berger round, I got hits on a 3-by-3-inch steel target at 2,000 yards,” the reviewer boasted. That is 1.13 miles, folks. This guy hit a target about the size of your forehead from over a mile away.

Who the hell needs to hit something, anything, from over a mile away? I’ll tell you who: an Army or Marine sniper, that’s who. They’re selling military-grade rifles to the general public. That’s what this sniper rifle is, and that’s what all the various iterations of the AR-15 style assault rifles are. Military-grade killing machines.

All of them are for sale on the open market here in the United States of America. You can go down to your local gun store and buy one tomorrow. That means you’ll be able to set the damn Scorpion (sic) up on its bi-pod and hit a so-called “soft target” so far away you need a goddamn telescope to see it.

The Truth About Guns

3 thoughts on “Salon: Now No One Needs Bolt Action Rifles Either

  1. Commie to the left of me commie to the right of me and I’m stuck in the middle . They clowns are the first to run to someone home that got guns if the shit hit the fan then once it over they go back to crying about gun control. We are at war inside and out

  2. I saw this clowns article on another site. Average groupthink dipstick. Who needs a “sniper rifle?”. It takes more than an expensive rifle to make a sniper for one. Well who needs a computer keyboard to write communist drivel? Pens and pencils are still plentiful, and paper gets recycled all the time. Who needs a car (gas or electric) that goes over 55 mph, when everyone knows the typical highway speed limit is 55? If you want to go 70 on an Interstate highway, register for a permit (nominal fee) to go 70. Who needs a car stereo that is so loud, cars 50 feet away are wondering if the sky is falling. Who needs Amazon Prime to order pre-worn blue jeans when real work can do the same thing for nothing? Who needs primo Italian restaurants when Chef Boyardee comes in easy to open cans? A free country is about choices and responsibility for those choices. If mr. anti-sniper rifle author and those who think like him, wants to live in a gun-free country, that is never going to happen, even if every responsible gun owner drank the Koolade and turned theirs in for a huge WalMart giftcard, because the criminal element won’t ever follow the law (kind of a determining factor in being a criminal). Gun Free country is never going to happen Mr. Author, so just suck it up buttercup and go save a whale.

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