Satan in the Kabbalah

Michael Hoffman

Re: The Kabbalistic Zohar

Is the word “Satan” actually used? Can’t find any translation online.  Send me the Hebrew word.

“Israel must make sacrifices to Satan so that he will leave Israel unmolested”   

Thank you.


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Dear E.

The words “Satan” and “demonic powers” are used interchangeably in the Zohar.

In the general context of Zohar 2:33a, which concerns the necessity of Israel making offerings to Satan, it is written:

The demonic powers should be given a portion, occupying and assuaging them, so that they will not disturb Israel’s intimacy with God.”

— The Zohar: The Pritzker Edition (Stanford University Press, 2007), vol. 4, p. 140.

Referring to a sacrifice of a goat in the same passage (Zohar 2:33a), it is written, “…this goat is intended to preoccupy Satan, leaving Israel alone with God.”

As in many pagan religions, in Kabbalistic (Orthodox) Judaism, the demons must be propitiated with blood sacrifice so that the life of the people of Israel may continue unmolested.

When there are severe disturbances in superstitious societies such as these, they result in ever more propitiations to Satan, so as to restore peace and tranquility. When Hernando Cortez and the Catholic Conquistadors were closing in on the Aztec capital of Mexico City in 1521, the Aztec priests began frenetically sacrificing ever more victims on their blood-smoking pyramid. Orthodox Judaism, from the evidence in the sacred Zohar, is not appreciably different from the Aztecs.

Two more points:

1. The Zohar insinuates a certain urgency to the sacrifice of goyim that Israel must make to Satan, in that, where no such sacrifice is made, it is believed that Satan will sacrifice rabbis. The Zohar states that this occurred to ten rabbis who were killed in the second century (A.D).

2. The Zohar is the source of the Gnostic, New Age and neo-Nazi belief that Satan and the God of the Bible are the same person. In many passages in the Zohar, the conflation of Yahweh and Satan is difficult to miss. For instance, the Book of Genesis testifies that the Biblical patriarch Joseph was beloved by God, while the Zohar states that for the crime of kidnapping and selling Joseph, which Joseph’s brothers had committed, it was Satan who sought retribution (2:33a).

To anticipate the objection that Orthodox Judaism is not Kabbalistic and that the Kabbalah is actually heretical and not a part of Orthodox Judaism, we refer you to one of the largest and most politically influential branches of Orthodox Judaism in the United States: Chabad-Lubavitch, which proudly operates “Kabbalah Online” at:

There is no denying the pivotal role of the Kabbalah and its principal book The Zohar in much of Orthodox Judaism. Furthermore, every U.S. Congress since the administration of Ronald Reagan, has officially made the birthday of the Kabbalist Menachem Mendel Schneerson — Chabad-Lubavitch’s last grand rabbi— as “Education Day USA,” a Congressional decree which is intended to lay the legal groundwork for officially promulgating the Seven “Noahide” Laws of the Chabad, and of Orthodox Judaism in general. As I assured The Saker in his interview with this writer, the Noahide Laws require the execution of anyone who engages in Avodah zara, i.e. “idol worship.” Orthodox Judaism considers Jesus Christ an idol, and Christians as idol worshippers.

Moreover, the Kabbalah gained firm purchase inside the papacy beginning in the 16th century. This secret emerged into the light of day from the 1960s onward.

These facts are denied by people who haven’t done the research and prefer to parrot the myths with which their heads are stuffed. The revisionist historian has a different vocation.

Michael Hoffman ©2018

2 thoughts on “Satan in the Kabbalah

  1. Thanks for posting this, Galen. I hope and prya that one day, Christians who still think “Judeo-Christian” is anything but an oxymoron wake up to the truth. If not, ‘Jews’ will behead more Christians than a Muslim can shake their stick at!

  2. Chabad-Lubavitch yz not Orthodox, it yz Ultra Orthodox. Ultra Orthodox Jews look down on Orthodox Jews azz part-timers. Orthodox Jews quiet:ly regard Ultra Orthodox Jews azz a bunch of meshuggeners.

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