8 thoughts on “Sheriff Joe Arpaio Speech At Donald Trump Rally Phoenix Arizona

  1. Sheriff Joe, what an a$$wipe! President of the “Knuckledragger Club”, he just clubs his women and drags ’em to his cave. Ugh, ugh, me horney! Now, I step on stage and pretend I’ve evolved from a caveman. Well Joe, you need to brush up on your acting skills cause, right now, the only message your sending is that your a lyin’ whore bitch for Donald Trump.

        1. He may have an “on board” defibrillator to use on his temples. They have to inject him with super-duper stimulants now just to wake him up long enough for a cameo.

          The guy’s a living, breathing zombie. He’s waiting for a new body to sew his head on as we speak. (Satire, or is it?)

          “John McCain was discovered walking around in a “zombie” like state, incoherent, and just babbling nonsense. Authorities immediately sat him in his Senate seat!”

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