Somali Pirates VS Ship’s Private Security Guards

Published on Apr 20, 2017 by Humans At Sea

The deadly fight between Somali pirates and a Private security guard on board a cargo ship. when pirates were trying to board the ship.
Security guards fire dozens more rounds at the vessel which eventually retreats.
This Incident have taken place in the Indian ocean in 2012.
It has come to prominence again following an attack on an oil tanker in March.

3 thoughts on “Somali Pirates VS Ship’s Private Security Guards

  1. What do private security guards and Somali pirates have in common ?

    They’re both fighting over stolen sh!t.!

    Gotta…say….skinnies…don’t have skinny balls.

    It’s called…balance.

  2. I heard the illegal fishing off the somali coast and EU dumping toxic waste off somalia were the root causes.


  3. Video is suspicious to say the least. They started firing and it doesn’t appear they had reason to. Also the small boat never returned fire nor made any threatening moves except to try to avoid fire—-Could have been people trying to immigrate, all be it illegally—those guys were gun happy just because they had guns

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