Soon People Will Line Up Like Lemmings To Get Their Brains Hacked

Activist Post – by Truthstream Media

The ability to hack the human brain like a computer might seem far-fetched to some, but it’s something we have covered extensively here at Activist Post. The possibility has even prompted a Nevada senator to seek legal restrictions on microchip implants.

The fact is that neuroscientists have been studying various methods of creating brain-computer interfaces for quite some time. Naturally, the benefits get touted, but there also has been a clear move by the military to use this as a high-tech form of direct mind control.  

Melissa Dykes covers the research and the reasons why people will likely be conditioned to accept brain hacks in the future.

Activist Post

11 thoughts on “Soon People Will Line Up Like Lemmings To Get Their Brains Hacked

  1. Maybe time to setup a ‘Section 9’ like from “Ghost in the Shell” since that WAS the crime they where used for

  2. “Melissa Dykes covers the research and the reasons why people will likely be conditioned to accept brain hacks in the future.”

    The future?

    If t.v. ‘programming’ isn’t brain hacking, I don’t know what is.

      1. Yelled at? Really?
        I don’t know exactly what you were suggesting. If people quit coming to the sites because they are afraid to look at the screen, I think logic would dictate that they would be gone.
        I was whispering to myself when I was writing this. Shhh. 🙂

      2. Seriously?

        Exactly HOW does one equate watching t.v. ‘programming’ (which undoubtedly has subliminals attached) to reading articles on the internet???

        That’s a helluva stretch.

        1. I posted a couple links to youtube videos that helped me form an opinion of the nervous system manipulation via computer and TV screens. US Patent # 6,506,148 B2 details how to do it. Patents cannot be issued unless the results can be replicated. It has to work or no patent.
          People get anger filters in place before they start to read or view anomalies that don’t fit their perceived construct. Lighten up: we are human and will die, but, as humans with souls, we live exist forever, no matter what happens here. Soul-less order followers and pedophiles had their chances and will disappear altogether when they leave this plane of existence.
          I would prefer to not be remotely manipulated by nefarious means by maleficent entities bent on humanities demise, but we do what we can.

          1. “I would prefer to not be remotely manipulated by nefarious means…”

            “In the bank robbery scene, the Joker manages to turn his henchmen against one another … bank: “I believe that whatever doesn’t kill you only makes you … stranger.”

            I would prefer to focus on the more TANGIBLE aspects of the NWO’s war on us… such as BULLETS.

            As for being RE-‘programmed’, this is what it would take (for me, anyway, weaker minds would likely require far less)…


      1. I hate t.v. almost as much as the NWO itself, mary.

        It’s done more to destroy this country than any other single factor, imo.

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