Published on Aug 11, 2017 by The Last Stand
Baked Alaska attended a march in Charlottesville, VA where a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center approached him and began hounding him and labeling him as a “Neo-Nazi” and other Anti-White terms.
His name is Steve Lemons and he seems to write articles in the “Hatewatch” section on the SPLC website. This man is clearly deranged, dangerous and has been seen stalking younger men for and photographing them for several hours.
Source ~27mins:…
One of these guy’s should have ended the conversation very quickly by punching that weirdo in the face.
They wasted too much of their precious life just to get this on video.
Again, should have ended it quickly.
I’m not going to listen to the end because it’s just a weirdo spouting his weirdness and these guy’s actually responding to him. The bickering like protesting will not solve a thing.
Koyote: That is definitely a fact.
A complete waste of time.
I expected a fruitful conversation and maybe some intellectual progress and ended up with a bucket of horse apples.