The suspects in the attack on the Boston Marathon — one killed, one on the loose — are brothers of Chechen origin, at least one a legal permanent resident of the United States, law enforcement officials told NBC News.
The suspect at large early Friday was identified as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, born in Kyrgyzstan, holding a Massachusetts driver’s license and living in the Boston suburb of Cambridge. He was the suspect in the white hat in surveillance photos from the marathon released by the FBI.
His father, speaking from Russia, told The Associated Press that he is a second-year medical student and “a true angel.”
An account with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s name on a Russian social media site lists Islam as his world view, “career and money” and his personal priorities and Chechnya as an area of interest.
His brother, who was killed in a firefight with law enforcement, was identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, born in Russia. He became a legal permanent resident in 2007, the officials said. He was the suspect in the black hat in the FBI photos.
Both men were believed to have military experience, and to have entered the country with their family in 2002 or 2003, when the family sought asylum. The nature of the military experience was not clear. Later in the morning, U.S. Army officials told NBC knows that no one matching either name had served in the active-duty Army, or the reserves.
The city of Cambridge awarded Dzhokhar Tsarnaev a $2,500 scholarship toward college in 2011, according to The Boston Globe. The scholarships were for students at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, part of the Cambridge public school system.
In 2002, Chechen militants seized a Moscow theater and held 800 people hostage for two days. Special forces raided the building and killed 41 hostage-takers; 129 hostages were killed, mostly from gas used by Russian forces.
In 2004, Chechen insurgents took hundreds of hostages in the Russian town of Beslan. The siege came to a bloody end two days later, and 330 people, about half children, were killed.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed after a chaotic chase and firefight with police early Friday. Authorities were conducting a house-to-house search in the Boston suburb of Watertown for his brother, who was considered armed and extremely dangerous. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick ordered people in Boston and some suburbs to stay inside.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
I just heard on ABC MSM that his dad asked his son to give himself up. His dad also said that if the cops kill this son that “all hell will break lose”. These cop/swat teams had better look out and use some restraint now. those cops have been asking for these kind of situations like this and now they got it or so it seems. PS those cops are saying that “suspect should be considered armed and dangerous”. Well I have seen cops that look like cops in uniform that look like a cop that have murdered people – like that Drew Peterson from Chicago that put on a uniform – that are armed and dangerous. F*ck those cop/swat memders, I know what you all represent and how you all act.
I guess that something more spectacular was planned for Boston eg Family Guy illuminati hints in advance. It went very wrong and within hours the special ops were shown complete with brand new rucksacks of a size capable of carrying pressure cookers.
Their cover was blown. So pick up a couple of local mussies who generally happen to be doctors and studying to serve man kind who were interested in sports and wanted to enjoy the marathon. Plaster their pictures worldwide so they will panic as we all know they will not be alive for long.
Stage a pathetic 7 – 11 robbery and a killing of a cop as justification.
Et VOILA Osama all over again, heat off the special operation!!
How could two kids manage was it three or four pressure cookers in rucksacks and why were they not on video? Answer is they were innocents that could be used to fit the evil ones profile of what stupid sheeple have been indoctrinated to believe is their enemy.
The communist scum are worse than slime.
How come last night when I went to bed they had the oldest one in custody and when I wake up this morning they say he was killed? Is this another discrepancy in their story. I saw pictures of him alive
how big is pressure cooker. Would rucksack not be round. Is fools that make photos release.
First off, anyone who believes this guy did anything or is a terrorist ought to be shot himself. This guy clearly did NOTHING wrong and was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and the FBI, upon showing the evidence last night, looked nervous and basically knew they just picked someone out in the crowd and said, “THOSE ARE THE GUYS WE WANT!”. What a crock of shit!
And now they have Boston on lockdown the entire day and no one is doing a damn thing about it. Hello, 3rd and 4th Amendment! F**K THE POLICE!! You control your own life. This is bullshit! I knew they wouldn’t find this guy and were going to drag this out all day. This is insane. I can’t imagine what the kid is going through.
WHERE THE HELL IS THE BOSTON MILITIA!!!??? Why aren’t they doing anything about it? What about the Oathkeepers? What’s going on? An innocent person is clearly being targeted as a patsy and people in Boston and the militia are just sitting on their asses doing nothing! WTF! This is murder in the highest degree.
Now N C These “oatkeepers” braved the elements to beg for a PERMIT to lipsinc their lil ol oath.What do you want,what more could they do without PERMISSION from their masters or dont you understand that their PERMIT WAS REVOKED LOLOLOL,Just another silly gang of talkers spouting big words with no real sustance sort of like a gang of A Jones just a sad sad distraction from ACTION seems to be all they amount to.
“In 2002, Chechen militants seized a Moscow theater and held 800 people hostage for two days. Special forces raided the building and killed 41 hostage-takers; 129 hostages were killed, mostly from gas used by Russian forces.
In 2004, Chechen insurgents took hundreds of hostages in the Russian town of Beslan. The siege came to a bloody end two days later, and 330 people, about half children, were killed.”
Is there any significance to these two paragraphs in relation to the rest of the article or are they trying to use this to slant their report and say that all Chechen people are terrorists? I mean come on, people. These two paragraphs are clearly unnecessary with the rest of the article. Who cares what happened before. That has nothing to do with anything. MSM’s pathetic journalism strikes again.