Syria Gov. Protecting Christian Village From Rebels

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

Reports are coming out, via the two videos below, that the Syrian government and Army is sending reinforcements to the Christian village of Ma’loula. where they have been battling the Obama backed Syrian rebels.

According to the details of one report the historic village of Ma’loula,is on a UNESCO list of world heritage sites, is home to two of the oldest surviving monasteries in Syria, was briefly infiltrated by the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, before they were forced to pull out hours later following heavy clashes with Syrian troops.  

Residents say radical rebel fighters have seized nearby hills, and are firing indiscriminately at the community.

2 thoughts on “Syria Gov. Protecting Christian Village From Rebels

  1. The Syrian Christians won’t get any help from the US seeing how the
    US is predominately Christian. But they sure as heck will go after
    some mythical chemical weapon fairy tale.

  2. First question I raise in a Syria Discussion:

    Since al Qaeda supposedly did 9/11, why is the US government arming and training them?

    In other words, 9/11 WAS NOT ‘Islamic terrorists’.

    Americans have almost ZERO knowledge of global events, LESS THAN ZERO knowledge of world history (as well as geography), and the attention span and memory of a 3 year old.

    Go ask ANYONE a few basic questions of the events of 9/11, and all they can recite is maybe 2 “facts” of the government mantra nonsense.

    What a nation of idiots. It would be fine if were some tiny island of morons, but our collective ignorance and stupidity – combined with ARROGANCE of those 2 ‘qualities’ – threatens the very globe.

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