Texas gets more refugees than any state in the nation

Hindu_residentsRefugee Resettlement Watch – by Ann Cocoran

Update June 9th:  Part III is here.  It is for everyone, not just Texans.

As I said yesterday in Part I of the (hopefully) Texas trilogy, in 2011 Texas moved into the number one spot in the nation for refugee resettlement. Yesterday someone commented to me that that is the year the push was on to begin turning Texas BLUE.  The refugee numbers themselves are not great enough yet, but combined with all of the other immigration to Texas, both legal and illegal, the idea is not so far-fetched.  

That reminds me, have you read Ann Coulter’s new book, “Adios America: The Left’s plan to turn our country into a Third World hellhole?”  I’ve just started it, but she doesn’t pull punches and says straight up: Democrats want the voters, employers want cheap labor, rich people want nannies, maids and gardeners, Republicans want campaign cash and churches want taxpayer money! 

Support for mass immigration, including refugee resettlement, is thus the one issue that binds those disparate sections of the American political landscape.  It leaves the rest of America suffering the consequences of their greed!

Read yesterday’s post, Texas Part I, if you missed it then continue here:

Longtime readers know that there are nine major federal resettlement contractorsthat divvy-up the refugees chosen mostly by the UN and then distribute them to 49 states (Wyoming, so far, has received no refugees).  They have been working at this secretive ‘seeding’ program for 35 years!  These are the nine:

Then they further divide them between their (350!) subcontractors.   Please go to this list of subcontractors everywhere and scroll down to Texas.

Recognizing how lucrative the ‘welcoming’ Texas turf is (contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees), eight of the nine contractors have set up shop somewhere in Texas.  The only one with no office there yet is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society!


One little nugget I gleaned from my reading is that it is the International Rescue Committee does most of the resettling in Vickery Meadows (readers may remember that the Liberian man who died of Ebola was visiting family there) the large multi-ethnic immigrant enclave in North Dallas.   However, two other contractors doing business as Refugee Services of Texas (LIRS and CWS) resettle refugees as does the US conference of Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities there and elsewhere in Dallas as well.

New Texas readers need to know that the International Rescue Committee, headquartered in New York, is now headed by David Miliband, a British citizen and brother to UK Labor Party (let’s rub the right’s nose in diversity!) head honcho Ed Miliband (aka “Red Ed”).

When Miliband arrived in New York to head up this ‘non-profit’ (with a yearly income of nearly a half a billion dollars), he was feted at a gala event in New York that saw George Soros, Bill Clinton, Samantha Power and Madeleine Albright toasting him.

Miliband’s predecessor pulled down a salary and benefits package of nearly $500,000, so we can assume Miliband is in the same salary range running a US resettlement agency!

It is the rich elitist International Rescue Committee that is one of three US State Department contractors bringing refugees to Vickery Meadows.  The four contractors (LIRS, CWS, USCCB and IRC) brought Dallas a total of 2,428 refugees in 2014!

In 2014, Dallas alone got more refugees than most states got for the whole state!  How fair is that?

See this map!

Go to the Texas Dept. of State Health Services for more nuggets of information.

Most Dallas County refugees in recent years came from:  Iraq, Burma, Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Somalia.  Top asylees cared for by the contractors in Dallas include Egyptians, Eritreans, and Ethiopians.  By the way asylees normally get into the country illegally or overstay a visa and then claim asylum.

Health issues are of concern in Dallas County because refugees there have the worst rate of screening of any county in Texas with 13% going unscreened.  Of the screened, 19% are positive for TB, 11% parasites and 3% HepB.

Remember you are paying for all of this as the federal government has over time passed the cost of the refugee program off on to the states!

One cost local taxpayer’s must bear is the cost of translation services.  In Dallas County, 91% of refugees in need of health services require an interpreter.   The top language needed is Arabic!   No surprise, as Arabic is the top language spoken by refugees admitted to the US in recent years.

That’s all for today!

Here is your homework assignment!  Anyone who gets an ‘R & P Abstract’ out of a Texas subcontractor gets a gold star!

I know it is overused, but knowledge is power!

This post describes what an abstract is.  Read it. Then go to the list of subcontractors. Find one near you and call the office.  Tell them you would like their most recent R & P Abstract (FY2015).   They will most likely tell you that you can’t have it and some will pretend that they don’t know what you are talking about!  If you get one, be amazed! as the word has gone out nationally to all subcontractors—don’t give out the abstracts to anyone and be sure to tell thebig boys and girls in Washington (the refugee industry’s lobbying arm) that people are asking for them.

P.S.  If you didn’t see yesterday’s homework assignment, go here.


4 thoughts on “Texas gets more refugees than any state in the nation

  1. There is only blue or red if you believe that votes are counted.

    The flooding of Texas with “refugees” ie invaders is an intentional subterfuge perpetrated on our Nation to create division, chaos, crime, and ultimately complete submission to tptb’s agenda of enslavement.

    Nothing organic here. Submitted for your approval. ..lap it up or lock n load.

  2. Good. Texas lets them cross the border, Texas can keep ’em.

    It’s all a mess; the wetbacks, the chinks, the tyranny, and the economy, and none of it will improve until a lot of asses get kicked.

    The news doesn’t even matter anymore. I think a lot of people are just scanning the headlines for some indication that the war has finally started. We need to liberate ourselves soon because this whole mess is pissing me off.

  3. “One little nugget I gleaned from my reading is that it is the International Rescue Committee does most of the resettling in Vickery Meadows (readers may remember that the Liberian man who died of Ebola was visiting family there) the large multi-ethnic immigrant enclave in North Dallas.”

    Yea right…That man that no one knew or that no one even believed existed. Keep repeating that false flag story, you dumbass. No one believes you anymore.

    “In 2014, Dallas alone got more refugees than most states got for the whole state! How fair is that?”

    I see it everyday at the movie theater that I work at. I feel like a minority in my own country. We have either an abundance of Mexicans or Indians straight off the boat from India, in addition to the Asian population. And thanks to the majority of our customers being Indian (who, everyone working at the theater, including myself, agrees are the most rudest and impatient customers that they want to beat the shit out of) the Commie corporate bastards at Cinemark have decided to show MORE Indian movies at our theater, thus making it, what I call, Bollywood Cinemark Movie Theater. My fellow co-workers and I, including management, are ready to flip out on these people. The insanity. The corporate bastards are promoting and encouraging the Indian population, rather than discouraging them. It makes me sick. Why the hell are we showing Indian movies in American theaters? Like I said, I feel like a minority in my own country.

    I don’t even know where these bastards get all of their money when they bring in their family of 6 or 7 to see a movie and pay for expensive food. I can’t even afford to pay for the shit they pay for.

    And to top that all off, many of them can’t even speak the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. I’m sick of playing the gesture and decipher game. And the bastard customers have the audacity to yell at me for screwing up their order. THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH!!!! I can’t even understand them and I don’t get paid extra to decipher their broken English!!

    GRR!!!! I’m sorry, but I need a drink every day after working at that place because I’m so damn frustrated with it all. The insanity!! 😡

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