Texas Governor Declares ‘Chris Kyle Day’

U.S. Marine CorpsBreitbart – by Bob Price

Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared February 2nd to be “Chris Kyle Day” to honor the Texan who became known the most lethal sniper in American history. Kyle was also recently immortalized in the blockbuster film “American Sniper.”

Kyle was credited with 150 sniper kills during his four tours of duty in Iraq as a Navy Seal. He was tragically shot and killed on February 2, 2013, while trying to help a fellow veteran who was allegedly suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.  

Taya Kyle, the widow of Chris Kyle, was recently honored by the organization AmericanSnipers.org with a donation of $62,000. According to a Breitbart News article by AWR Hawkins, the group raised the money by raffling a McMillan .338 Lapua sniper rifle. She also recently made news by shooting an antelope on a hunting trip taken to honor her late husband.

After his death, Kyle was honored with a memorial service in the Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. The service along with the miles-long funeral procession were also featured in the movie honoring Kyle.

During that service, then Governor Rick Perry said, “Chris Kyle was the public face of an anonymous breed of American warrior who are handed the hardest missions and assume the largest risks,” Former Governor Rick Perry said. “Chris was among the very best at what he did, and he saved countless American lives in the process. Our state and our nation suffered a profound loss with his passing. I am honored to have known Chris and to have called him my friend. Anita and I send our deepest condolences to his wife, Taya, his children and the thousands of service members that were his extended family.”

Bob Price is a senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.



21 thoughts on “Texas Governor Declares ‘Chris Kyle Day’

  1. My Fellow Americans,

    Ahhhhhh,…. another commie folklore foisted upon the American stupid.

    Chris Kyle, “…..the most lethal sniper in American history….”

    M-U-S-T,… N-O-T,… P-U-K-E !!!!

    Choke,… gurgle,.. SPLASH!!!!

    Damn!!,… to late.

    JD – US Marine – From everything I have read about this guy, he was nothing more than an overrated scumbag,… and that is putting it politely.


    1. JD, I made a disparaging comment about this nutcase over on Freedom Outpost and you should have seen the vets and their sycophants literally crucify me. If I had been there in person, I have no doubt they would have either beaten the crap out of me or killed me. Breathtaking the level of brainwashing has become.

  2. Chris Kyle, brainwashed terminator and would be proud to say, “I shot plenty of women and children just to up my numbers! Ain’t this a contest? They were easy prey!”

  3. Yep because that’s what stupid Texans do here in Texas. They honor murderers like the Bush family and Chris Kyle, not because of what they did, but just because they were from TEXAS, so that makes it all better.


    As I have always said, the Texas pride will be their downfall.

        1. And he’s an insult to all groundhogs everywhere (Feb. 2 is still Punxatawney Phil’s Day IMHO!….Please do not see your shadow…for once I am tired of winter! 😉 )

    1. That F’N Bush Family Evil Empire will be dealt with when it’s their turn. Sooner rather than later would be my choice.

  4. Typical of what I would expect the powers that be in Texas to do. This move is right up their alley and consistent with their mindset of basically being off the wall.

  5. I posted(facef@@k) that he did not fight for anyone’s freedom other than the corporate zio cartel. I was blocked from the discussion whilst getting vicious attacks on me.
    Victory IMO.

      1. Nearly exactly what I just told a friend earlier today..your reference to “wet dream” was the only difference..mine was f**k fest. Kind of like yours better.. good for certain occasions anyway. I’m always getting crazy looks when I tell this to people since they believe it’s free to use. Nothing is free and always comes at a cost I tell them but they just don’t get it.

      2. My business does and by default I do to. There are some people I only keep in touch with on there because they share their everything and I hate phones.

        I keep it pretty low key. Mostly store pics.

        1. Notoobitter, I’m convinced that we’re being monitored on the site, which of course, Henry is aware of had to deal with. I’m stunned a this moment that they allow me to say this. Before they catch up I just want to say to the son of a bitch, I’ll be coming for youuuu You don’t think I can’t backtrack this shit? See you soon, bitch

    1. Whenever anyone touts they “fought” for my freedom I ask them where along the US border they served to repel the imminent mexican invasion and what they did to oust the zionist regime that resides in power. I fight my own darned battles because you’re too busy licking boots and having someone else think for you.

      Behold, the power of the interwebs! Use it for more than porn, puppies and pro bowl and you might be worth the oxygen you consume.

  6. American Sniper, Yaaaay! I try not to get too negative (for the sake of my sanity) but the average american has become so stupid and brainwashed that I fear we have reached the point of no return.

  7. Calling Chris Kyle a nutjob may well be an accurate statement, but it does nothing to wake up the meathead / victims of the war propaganda on mainstream media that we are all bombarded with 24/7. In fact, I fear it further alienates those who have heard nothing else but what they hear on ABC-CNN-NBC-CBS/Fox guarding the henhouse from our cause.

    Here’s an article from Pastor Chuck Baldwin that strikes at the root of the problem(in my opinion – thanks for listening!)


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