Texas To Start Arresting Americans Who Criticize Israel

By Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The People’s Voice

Texas to start arresting citizens who criticise Israel online.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has threatened to have Americans who speak out against Israel arrested and thrown in jail.

According to Gov. Abbot, people who criticize Israel are guilty of “hate speech” and “belong in jail.”

On X, Abbott slammed protestors at The University of Texas at Austin who are protesting the slaughter of innocent Palestinians by Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

“Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses,” Abbott said.

“These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.”

Naturalnews.com reports: Believe it or not, the Austin Police Department, which locals defunded in part back in 2020, has close ties to Israel. The department collaborates with an Israel lobbying group called ADL and trains alongside Israeli occupation forces on how to engage in “counterterrorism.”

What this means in laymen’s terms is that, with the help of Israel and its police state protocols for handling free speech, Austin police have learned how to sidestep the First Amendment and dub everyone who exercises free speech of which politicians disapprove as “terrorists.”

This is how law enforcement in Texas is now treating anyone who speaks out against Israel’s genocide in Gaza: by assaulting and arresting them to intimidate and bring about silence.

“This all lines up with the agenda of the mother of harlots, the fake Jews and their fanatical religious beliefs,” one commenter wrote about all this, referencing Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 in the Holy Scriptures, as well as citing 1932 quotes from Jewish Talmudic scholar Dr. Michael Higger, who described a future brave new Jewish world.

“This all aligns with their teachings from the Babylonian Talmud and the Zohar teachings of Kabbalah. There will be NO tolerating of speaking out against the synagogue of Satan. All who do will be silenced, some forever. This is no joke. IF they continue, things will get much worse in the near future.”

“My Commanding Officer orders me to keep preaching the Truth, and that I shall do,” responded a Christian who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ. “I do not fear these devils who can only kill my body. Maranatha!”

“Now you know why I will never vote again,” wrote another. “Somehow, we have in this nation an autocratic government that not only supports genocide but will drain the Treasury to … arm and equip the war criminals conducting it. There is one establishment party with two names who only support the globalists that own them.”

8 thoughts on “Texas To Start Arresting Americans Who Criticize Israel

  1. You know, I have been noticing the media recently in the past day or two changing their tactics by spinning the stories from “Palestinian protesters” or “anti-Israeli protesters” to “Pro-Hamas protestors” in order to possibly make their “anti-Semitic” rhetoric sound more plausible by helping to label the protesters as terrorists.

    Sorry MSM, but although there are probably “Pro-Hamas protesters” infiltrating the protests, there are definitely Mossad groups doing the same, as well. Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that Zionist Israel is committing genocide on a grand scale and that’s what the people and those around the world want stopped.

  2. Those references to Revelation 2:9 and 3:0 are spot on, and more from the Bible, such as in 1 John 2:23, which says he who hath not the Son (Christ) hath not the Father (God)…meaning Talmudic Jewry which hates Christ (Gitten 57a) hath not the Father God, but is “the Synagogue of Satan” (those who sy they are Jews and are not….Talmud was written by Babylonian types, not Torah Jews)….

    And not just Abbott (a Christian Zionist for sure)… the House ‘o Representin’ just passed a bill banning any Bible scripture they consider “anti-semitic” such as scriptures in the Gospels claiming Jews (Pharisees, etc.) had Christ put to death, and more. Will they also ban scriptures where Christ calls the Pharisees “you are of your father, the devil” or where Christ throws the moneychangers out of the Temple, the “house of prayer” the Pharisees made the “den of thieves”?

    Link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/house-gop-passes-controversial-bill-labeling-certain-christian/

    In other words, Congress wants to ban THE WORD OF GOD! I guess Gov. Abbott (and Costello) isn’t doing enough to bring about the WRATH of God….so Congress has to finish the job. And then comes NOAHIDE???

    1. GOV ABBOTT IS A RABID ZIONIST— and he should be recalled.

      Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism because a lot of Israelis are also protesting the genocide. I saw a video of the IDF clubbing RABBIS who were protesting.

      He would have had to arrest Jesus Christ too in this case

      This law will never hold up in courts.

      How is this freedom? You know who is running our country by those you can’t criticize.

      Austin police collaborating with the ADL? Let the ADL pay their salaries. That should be investigated —are they taking bribes?

      If protestors are not violent they should NOT BE ARRESTED. FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE.

      1. Agreed. Thanks for response. And calling him “Abbott and Costello” is being too kind, and insulting the real Abbott and Costello (if they are still alive that is).

  3. Related again: The sly FOX calls protesters “pro-Hamas” and the guest uses intimidation tactics to threaten their futures:

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