7 thoughts on “Interesting Timing! FOX Talking ‘Power Grid Attack’ As Flight 370 Would Be Perfect Weapon!

  1. This plane will make its appearance when it’s time. Maybe this event is a distraction aircraft to something else that was missed. You know, like the big drug bust, but the real mother load went through undetected….who knows….only time will tell. The answer to these things are always something you would never think of….do you think that the logical is at play here…no way. I think it’s a drill to be played out later on…..smoke and mirrors.

  2. I got a call from my brother a bit ago and we were talking about the plane. He used to work for Boeing and was saying that Rolls Royce puts a tracking device in every one of their engines that can’t be shut off from inside the plane. If this is true then someone knows where that plane is. It’s going to be interesting to see how they will spin the story and what they are up to.

  3. For me the weird part is how american news is SOOOO concerned with this flight. It doesnt make sense to me why they cover this more than say the PA flight that crashed or any domestic issues. Seems like a planned news piece they are told to cover. Distraction? Maybe. BS? For sure.

    1. Remember the Illuminati motto. They have to tell us what they plan to do before they do it. It’s a puzzle we must decipher on our own. MSM gets paid to do their part … get some of the puzzle pieces out there, and then give us the illusion of being concerned for our welfare. It’s all BS!
      . . .

  4. Per the Zetas this plane is at the bottom of the ocean and was the victim of a natural EMP event same as what happened to the last on in the Atlantic with similar circumstances (i.e. flying over an area with higher than normal magnetic properties in the earth) Kind of like lighting striking a tall object on a flat plain. Before all of you go screaming nonsense, they were correct last time and I think we will find them correct on this one. The earth is coming under ever increasing EMP bombardment from space so obviously those who are covering this up know the truth and are therefore able to guess that the chances of an EMP disrupting electronic systems in general is very likely even inevitable. The EMP probably wiped out all electronic data so don’t expect the Black Box to hold any clues, it will probably be void of info just like the last one.

    1. Iannie … are the Zetas aware of Cobra? Are there any endorsements or warnings about Cobra from the Zetas that you know of? Are the Zetas working with Cobra and his Resistance Movement? Would love to know your thoughts.

      And thanks for the EMP information. Even Janet Napolitano, before leaving office, said the chances of an EMP disrupting electronic systems in general is very likely even inevitable.

      These unearthly beings that have infiltrated our government offices have the knowledge the humans have yet to learn and I believe they definitely use it against us. But to what end and why?
      . . .

    2. True but the plane in the atlantic didn’t make a turn to a new heading and continue flying for four to five hours.

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