The California drought looks worse from space


Boing Boing – by Xeni Jardin

How extreme and widespread is the California drought? Images recently released by NASA’ Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, or GRACE, show an ever-worsening situation. Launched in 2002, NASA’s twin satellites are making “detailed measurements of Earth’s gravity field which will lead to discoveries about gravity and Earth’s natural systems.” More at the JPL GRACE site, and the University of Texas site.

The images are not photographs, but rather show how much groundwater has been lost over time. At left, June 2002, a few months after GRACE launched. Center, June 2008. At right, June 2014.

More at the journal Science, and at the Los Angeles Times.

3 thoughts on “The California drought looks worse from space

  1. Seeing southern Ca is a desert…your human, colored in maps dont look that bad…I could make it look worse with windows “paint”! Theres still water coming out of the SM mnts at under 2,000ft and running down the creek at Evans rd, Pacific Palisades…Water welling up in the Saltaire rd area in Brentwood…both have been happening for years and years….Semial springs in Agoura is running…If such a drought, where is all this water coming from?? Maybe look at who is telling you its a drought…It just hasent rained much…

  2. Hmmm…. I call b.s. on this too. There is no way a scientific camera or other type of scanning system is going to automatically color in only california. These are indeed human colored pictures and thus they prove nothing. More mind control garbage from the left.

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