“[T]he COVID-19 vaccines were not tested for cancer effects.”

By Sense Receptor

In the CDC’s VAERS system, “the number of reports PER YEAR for COVID vaccines is between 18 and 33 times more than the number of cancer reports for all other vaccines—for all other years—combined.” (Emphasis added.)

Dr. David Wiseman, a research bioscientist in pharmacy, pharmacology, and immunology, who also holds a PhD in Experimental Pathology, describes for the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services (May 14, 2024) how the COVID injections are now associated with up to 15 cancer signals in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Meaning 15 different types of cancer.

Wiseman also notes in this clip that “[T]he COVID-19 vaccines were not tested for cancer effects…” which “you would expect in a new pharmaceutical.”

There is an “an increasing number of case reports in the literature—a case report, again, does not prove causality, but there are a number of case reports, growing, of associating cancers and COVID vaccination,” Wiseman tells the committee. When looking at VAERS, the research bioscientist notes that “the number of reports per year for COVID vaccines is between 18 and 33 times more than the number of cancer reports for all other vaccines, for all other years, combined.”

“This is CDC’s own analysis,” Wiseman notes. “This is not ours, this is CDC’s own analysis, that was released from a FOIA. And that analysis was performed in July 22…” He adds that “a signal does not prove causality, [but]…means ‘Check your engine.'”

“You can see there’s about 12 or 15 different cancer types, for which there is a signal for the mRNA COVID vaccines…[in VAERS],” Wiseman adds, highlighting the fact that “this has not been addressed publicly by any of the regulatory agencies, or manufacturers…”

As for a mechanism of action, Wiseman says that “More or less…anything, not everything, that pertains to the virus itself could pertain to the vaccines themselves.” He also notes the fact that “there is residual DNA that’s in the mRNA vaccines, and while it’s there “predictably,” it “has consequences.”

One thought on ““[T]he COVID-19 vaccines were not tested for cancer effects.”

  1. you can lead a horse to water , and the dumb ones to the jab , but you cant inform them that they are being played , because truth don’t fly no more

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