The Danes Are Revolting: Tax Administration Set On Fire

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In Fredensborg, Denmark, ten official cars from the Tax Administration Office were set on fire and destroyed overnight in a protest. As ExstraBladet reports, police received notification Wednesday night at 3:09 a.m. that the Tax Administration offices on Kratvej were on fire. So far, there are no suspects. But, as Martin Armstrong notes, the police will undoubtedly hunt for someone retaliating against the Tax Man.  

As Martin Armstrong further points out, this is not the first time the world has seen this…

On February 18, 2010, a man in a dispute with the IRS for seizing his home flew his plane in a suicide mission directly into the IRS building in Austin, Texas.

His battle against the Tax Man made him a hero to many.

As the economy turns down and governments become far more aggressive to grab money from everyone, we should see a sharp rise in these types of incidents.

This is part of the rising trend in civil unrest.

This is all insane since money is no longer tangible; taxes are also no longer necessary. We should seriously address the fact that money is not what it used to be.

We have moved forward in technology, science, medicine, and every field except economics. France is high on the list for a major tax revolution as nearly 50% of GDP is consumed by annual tax collections. That is totally insane. And they wonder why the rich flee and unemployment rises? This is the 21st century, not the 17th. Money has changed and taxes are no longer necessary, yet they create it anyway. That is like me giving you a $100 bonus and then charging you $50 to receive it.

What’s the point? They spend more than they collect anyway.

5 thoughts on “The Danes Are Revolting: Tax Administration Set On Fire

  1. Reminds me of a Wizard of id cartoon by Johnny Hart when Sir Rodney informed the king that the peasants were revolting. The king agreed.

  2. I don’t think the Danes are revolting….they seem pleasant enough for my tastes…

    Good on ya’ mates….
    (oh, wait….that’s the Aussies….)

    Splendur fuukeen jaba, Danskies!
    That’s ‘Darzak’ for: “Great job, Danes”….

    (actually, if any real Danish read this):
    “Fantastisk arbejde, Danskere!”

    Og må Gud velsigne dig imod den nye verdensorden
    ( and may God bless you against the new world order)

    Livet er godt, lad’s nyd, hvad vi har tilbage
    (Life is good, let’s enjoy what we have left)

    Han er ikke tosset hvem giver det, han ikke kan holde til at få det, han kan ikke tabe.
    He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

  3. I hope they hunt and hunt and hunt for “who did this” and never come up with anything ..and i hope it burns their ass ( slang for pisses them off to no end)

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