The Died Suddenly, Jabbed Recently Symposium

By John Manley – Activist Post

On Saturday, I headed east to attend the Do No Harm Symposium in Hamilton (on the outskirts of Toronto).

The event opened with Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, a dental surgeon, describing Canada as the “playground for the World Economic Forum.” But they play dirty, as she learned firsthand. She told how her clinic was raided under the suspected direction of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service the day after she posted an online video from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. Here she is speaking on stage…

Hibberd, like the other speakers, was speaking out against the “died suddenly/jabbed recently” phenomenon that’s been striking at the hearts, brains and major arteries of those who believed big government would never tell a big lie.

Up next was Michael Alexander…

Alaxander is the lawyer who has been representing Dr. Mark Trozzi. Trozzi has been deemed “incompetent” by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for denouncing the entire COVID agenda, with his license under threat of suspension. How ironic, being that he’s one of the few competent doctors in Canada who is speaking out against the clot shot.

Alexander said he was quite confident that they would win against the Ontario College in court, despite failing before their corrupt tribunal. He is a true “Atticus Finch” of a lawyer (per Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird), though he’s such a jolly character, it’s as if he stepped out of a Dickens’ novel. You can see his cheerful demeanour pictured below with my son Jonah and me…

Up next was Alexander’s client, Dr. Mark Trozzi, who succinctly explained why he left the medical profession: “I did not sign up to be used to kill people.” However, he also pointed out that he has not really abandoned his job as an emergency room doctor, as the political situation he’s presently attending is “clearly an emergency.”  Trozzi emphasized how the nanoparticles in the COVID shots are designed to penetrate and produce the toxic spike protein in every cell in the body.

I gifted him (and all the other speakers) signed copies of Much Ado About Corona — pointing out how I named one of the restaurants in the story after him (Trozzi’s Pizza). Here we are, with Trozzi wearing his “PROUD MEMBER [of the] FRINGE MINORITY” sweatshirt….

Dr. Chris Shoemaker, however, went even further in his claims of vaccine hazards than Trozzi — presenting evidence that the shots may be producing spiderweb protein in people’s bodies (along with the cancerous SV40 DNA sequence). Spiderwebs may explain the strange blood clots morgues around the world have been pulling out of corpses.

Prior to COVID, you’ve heard people say they have cobwebs in their brain, sadly, now it may no longer be a metaphor.

Here’s a mRNA-free shot of me with the honest doctor…

Derek Sloan concluded the series of talks with a strong call to turn the “lambs into lions.” Sloan has certainly proven himself a lion (albeit a vegetarian one), being the only member of parliament to expose and oppose the COVID scandal. He emphasized that it’s a matter of being unrelenting in waking up the sheeple, “because once the light switch is turned on they can’t go back to sleep.”

I had the honour of sharing a vendor table with Sloan (where I was selling copies of Much Ado About Corona, with the proceeds going towards Mark Trozzi’s legal fees). Sloan was selling copies of his semi-autobiographical game plan to make Canada “glorious and free” again — the book being of the same title.  I was sure to purchase a signed copy of Glorious and Free as you can see here…

…and I encourage you to do the same (copies available here) unless you prefer Lamblike and Slaughtered.

And be sure to check out (and subscribe to) Dr. Mark Trozzi’s website. Consider also donating towards his legal fund (as, after all, it’s our battle he’s fighting).

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