2 thoughts on “The Pope kisses the hands of the Zionist Rothschilds family… this family control every government, bank, politician and religious leader in the world

  1. Can’t get these words outta my head:

    “Sell your cloak and buy a sword.”

    “Sell your cloak and buy a sword.”

    “Sell your cloak and buy a sword.”

    Today one might put it:

    “Hock your tv for a pistol.


  2. Church and State, and then some. Noting today’s date, and just for the hell of it, I searched “notable events that happened on November 3rd.” This one jumped out:
    “Act of Supremacy: 1534 English parliament passes the Act of Supremacy making Henry VIII and all subsequent monarchs the Head of the Church of England.”

    Come to find out they pulled this off in Ireland and Scotland too. Divine Right of Kings. And this supremacy bs can be traced through many monarchies and religions all the way back to Zoroaster, about 1000 B.C.

    For so very long these two factions have wreaked havoc on free humanity. Today they have added corporate. How much easier it will be to breathe when we eliminate all forms of supremacy.


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