The Vacuum, or, Calling the Cops on the Cops (Bundy Ranch Standoff Retrospect)

Hello my name is domestic terroristPatriot Rising

It’s been a little over a month since the showdown at the Bundy Ranch. The many details of this event have been thoroughly discussed and analyzed throughout the patriot/Liberty community. To say that the Bundy Ranch Incident (sounds like a prog-rock band name, doesn’t it?) represents a paradigm shift in the relationship between American citizens and the federal government is an understatement. A lot of commentators in the patriot/Liberty community have looked at it from the perspective of resistance to a tyrannical government. I’ve recently begun looking at it from another angle.  

Cliven Bundy asked for help from the patriot/Liberty community once it became clear that the Bureau of Land Management was coming to steal his cattle. The BLM showed up with 200 agents, armed to the teeth and jonesing for a Waco re-enactment. The Clark County sheriff and governor of Nevada stood by impotently. Then something extraordinary happened. Hundreds of patriots showed up to defend the Bundys, and in doing so, they became the legitimate law-enforcement authority.

The federal government’s lawless actions have been growing exponentially as of late, and their actions at the Bundy Ranch were just a few more in a very long string of abuses directed at American citizens. In this case, the BLM was ready and willing to steal and destroy private property and kill American citizens so Harry Reid and his lobbyist son Rory can make money from a shady deal for a “solar energy zone” with a Chinese energy company. One of Harry Reid’s longtime aides, Neil Kornze, was promoted to director of the BLM shortly before the videotaped assault of peaceful protesters by BLM thugs took place. With a staunch Reid loyalist at the helm, the Reids’ plan of using the BLM to do their dirty work for them was almost assured. Almost.

By behaving lawlessly, the federal government has created a vacuum of authority. By breaking the law, frequently and egregiously, they can no longer claim the authority to uphold the law. That authority was taken up by the patriots who stood up to the BLM’s criminal actions. That authority belongs to the people now, not to the heavily-armed and armored thugs playing soldier in the Nevada desert or the politicians and bureaucrats who sent them there. The feds will fight tooth and nail to dispute this, but the fact remains that they have vacated their position of authority and the American people have stepped in to fill the void. In essence, Bundy “called the cops” on the cops themselves.

So where do we go from here? We continue to resist the criminal actions of the tyrants. You wouldn’t let a garden-variety robber or murderer continue committing crimes – why should the ones who wear a suit and tie be any different?

But…but…Domestic Terrorists!!!!!!


3 thoughts on “The Vacuum, or, Calling the Cops on the Cops (Bundy Ranch Standoff Retrospect)

  1. This statement crystalizes everything,”By behaving lawlessly, the federal government has created a vacuum of authority. By breaking the law, frequently and egregiously, they can no longer claim the authority to uphold the law.”

    Great post Jolly Roger.

  2. “The Clark County sheriff and governor of Nevada stood by impotently.”


    I will pay to put that in every text book. At least the ones about this event anyways. No need to put it in a math textbook.

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