The Weimar United States

Lew Rockwell – by David Lifschultz

This is from a former high level member of the CIA in a note to me:  

Bear in mind that we have about 100 million well armed citizens……… many of whom have military training. Even the US Army would be unable to stand up against this force if it is decided the government has ceased to protect its people and uphold the Constitution.

As we have written, the leadership of the United States abdicated its duty to the nation when they shut it down over a not very significant flu. They have forced from their jobs nearly half the working population as a form of national suicide.  What we have seen in the streets is a similar situation to Weimar Germany as the German nation faced in the 1920s and 1930s when the communists were rioting in the streets. We have only seen in the streets the actual problem in America. We have not seen the counter-revolutionary consequences. We have warned repeatedly that the 50% unemployment will cause a counter-revolutionary upheaval. It is coming.

How should we define a worse case scenario? The total unemployed today is said to be just in the last six weeks 36.5 million Americans out of 155.7 million who were employed or a 23% just two percent below the 1933 depression peak. But that is not the true figure for in 1933 the frustrated workers unemployed for a year from 1929 were included which today is not counting another 22% before the six weeks began, or 45%. You will note that the chart below agrees with our figures that before the coronavirus siege the real unemployment was 22% and this rose by the end of April to 39.6% but does not include May as my figures. It is important to note that in Germany in 1933 a 50% unemployment level was sufficient for the democratic overthrow of the Weimar Republic. Our oligarchs on Wall Street should start feeling their necks as they may not escape as they did in 2008. It must be remembered that the National Socialist Party on May 20, 1928 polled 2.6% of the vote, on September 14, 1930 14%, on July 31, 1932 37.4% becoming the largest political party in Germany. It was a movement that came from nowhere thrust up by massive unemployment.

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