These 3 Simple Things Will Block The Damaging Effects of Mainstream Media News In Your Life

Block EffectTruth and Art TV – by Bernie Suarez

Life is one huge psychological journey. This is what I believe. You are what you think you are. You control your journey and how much you actually enjoy it. You control how happy (or for that matter how sad and miserable) you will be because you control your own thoughts. Yes, you make decisions every day on what thoughts you will allow into you mind. You also make decisions about how you will approach things in your life including new information. The choice of personal attitude toward things, preconceived notions, and good or bad assumptions about the world around us is all within our reach and control. For this reason I want to discuss a bit about how your mind should operate when you come across mainstream media news.  

Believe it or not there are several thought processes you could and should practice to essentially keep your mind and thought process free of mainstream media poisonous lies and deceit. Anyone who believes some mainstream media news will likely find this article ridiculous, untrue, nonsense perhaps, exaggerations, or whatever. Those that think this way only do so because they are attached subconsciously to mainstream media news and the paradigm it offers them in their daily perception of the world. It feels real and your mind simply cannot fathom that mainstream media news is fabricated.

Well, it is. It absolutely is and that is why you should be noticing and asking question like why is it that all standard (big six) western mainstream media outlets all report the same stories and all of them present the stories in the exact same way? Isn’t that a bit of a coincident? Can you see the oddity in this? When was the last time CNN disagreed with NBC on a major story narrative? Start asking yourself, how can the entire mainstream media including the newspapers and magazines like Newsweek and Time and including politically competing networks (like NBC versus FOX) all narrate stories in the exact same manner?? In a world where we know factually that humans commonly have difficulties agreeing on anything, in this mainstream media system of controlled news there is never any disagreements. The big six private corporations that own all of the news in the United States and many regions throughout the world now, never disagree and always stay perfectly on script even when the script makes no sense and needs real-time revision. Isn’t that amazing?

While you are marinating on that extremely intriguing oddity let’s get to some nice tricks you can practice every day to clear and protect your mind from mainstream media ambush-style lies and hypnotic deceit. These techniques will help exercise your mind in order to maintain that healthy strong mental freedom from mainstream media lies and deceit. Remember when you try these techniques you will be exercising how to remain mentally free from their enslavement.

Recall that mainstream media didn’t just happen one day. The mass media in the United States dates back for over two hundred years ago dating back to the founding of America. Media was always a part of the plan. Fast forwarding to today, be aware that government Intelligence took control of the media as early as 1948 and even earlier. Try to appreciate the importance that media means to government and the control system, then push away any thoughts of the unrealistic argument that mass media news is all somehow coincidental and innocent honest news. If you really believe this then you are in deep trouble and need to get help. For everyone else let’s get started. Here are three simple things you can do to read mainstream media news and know instantly exactly what to make of the story and how to categorize the story in your mind before believing the story blindly just because you saw it on TV or read it in a mainstream media website, or in a newspaper or magazine. Think of this as an exercise in mental freedom.

I- Look at the news through the eyes of history

Step number one, look at each breaking mainstream media news story through the eyes of true history instead of the artificial context mainstream media presents the story in. Does it fit into what we know of historic events? Or are those enforcing mainstream media narratives asking you to believe a sequence of events or a narrative that doesn’t add up logically?

Here’s an example: The mainstream media is reporting yet another new war on terror but historically speaking we know that the war on terror equals massive loss of liberties and freedoms, massive increases of the State’s power and control over you, and no real evidence of terrorism being stopped. So why then would you, in light of history, accept this piece of mainstream media news?

In the bigger picture, history is a very significant tool for gauging where we are headed. As you practice these techniques you will notice your core beliefs will strengthen until finally news delivered by mainstream media will be powerless against you. You will no longer be vulnerable to artificial mainstream media contexts that allow mainstream media stories to expand in any direction that suits their long term plans perfectly.

II- Look at the news in light of stated goals of the state

If you were a captain of a ship you would ever go out at sea without a compass and a map? So why would you watch and blindly believe mass media news for what it is without gauging where you are and where this story may be going. It is very important to be aware of all stated goals of the state. In the case of today we know factually that the government and control system is focused on getting their new world order done. They have admitted and stated this publicly and many papers have been written, illegal wars launched, and decisions and legislation has been passed consistent with these publicly stated goals of controlling the world. Believe these clearly stated goals of the state and then consider all pieces of mass media events in light of these clearly stated goals. Then try to see how the agenda fits into the goals.

Remember that government is made up of people who (like you and I) have the need to organize and create plans for the future. Like everyone else, government systematically plans out its future. See how those at the highest levels of government have systematically controlled narratives to suit their stated goals of domination. Stop believing that governments and global elites put out stated goals just for fun without any meaning and significance to them. This is the world that those who are blind and lost live in. They actually believe the direction of the world and the news is all one big coincident without any connection to it. They’ve been brainwashed into thinking that the simple and easy patterns we observe are all coincidence. This magical coincidence theory of life and news is a signature of the brainwashed state and a symptom to be avoided at all costs.

III- Try to appreciate what it is media is NOT saying

Like looking at something from the inside out, critically analyze mainstream media news. Focus on what it is they are not saying. Put their information through the fire then try to reconcile the reality of this non-coverage as significant and not an innocent oversight. Why should you focus on what it is the media is not telling you? Because that is a major part of critical journalism. Mainstream media has admitted that their stories are controlled by the government. They are not even hiding this fact. It is up to you however to critically walk yourself through the process and convince yourself why you will not blindly believe mainstream media news.

These three quick and easy suggestions for breaking through mainstream media hypnosis and arriving to the other side of life known as reality. It’s about reshaping how you think and arming your thought process with common sense in light of known historic events and stated goals instead of being sucked in by professional powerful in your face CIA propaganda. You may think that propaganda won’t get to you but these CIA propaganda and media techniques are proven to work. They are proven to convince even the smartest of people throughout history and they will fool you too if you are not astute and watching carefully with a vigilant mind. These techniques are thus simple things you can do to be a smarter more aware and resilient human being instead of a brain dead zombie who absorbs mainstream media CIA lies and propaganda with every day that goes by. Keep in mind that literally as you sleep at night they are brewing new stories every single day. This is about protecting your mind and your thoughts from the outside world of deception and lies.

With time you will notice as you become solidly grounded in truth and reason, that mainstream media is not even that good at shaping their lies and deceit.  You will start to see the comedy and surreal nature of the whole circus known as mainstream media news. You will also see the wide disconnect mainstream media has from actual reality truth and reason. Once you see it this way you will notice that you are completely mentally free from fake and deceptive government controlled mainstream media lies. That is a huge reason to celebrate.

All aside, everyday I personally enjoy a unique warm feeling of what I refer to as mental freedom. I wake up every single morning knowing that there is no mainstream media news that will penetrate my mind enough to alter my perception of reality in any way. I get it, we are and have long been in an informational war zone, we are at war, the enemy is fighting hard and we are conscious human beings inserted into this information battlefield whose goal is human enslavement. There are no amounts of “breaking news” that will dramatically alter this reality I live in. I clearly understand this overall scenario thus from one day to another my life is stable and unchanging. In this example, waking up to the news of ISIS is no big deal. ISIS is another new fake terror experiment that the Intelligence agencies have funded and armed in order to maintain their long term plans. I get it, the stated goals are clear and easy to understand. Why then would I spend extra energy actually believing that ISIS is coming for us here in America?

In this example, my response to ISIS is more of a fun chuckle and my life goes completely unchanged. That is, we are still in an informational battle, the new world order is still here and the mainstream media is still the mouthpiece of this empire.

Understanding these simple techniques to help shape your mental thoughts prior to hearing mainstream media breaking news will give you a mental stability that you cannot imagine. I leave the rest for you to critically think through and find ways to apply to your own life. Till then remember that life is simple not complicated. It’s been said that there are two kinds of people on earth and nothing more. Those that want to control you and those that want to be left alone. Yes, life really is that simple. Once you begin to see the simplicity of all of this, you can be sure that you are beginning to taste of true freedom, mental freedom which is akin to spiritual freedom which is where true freedom actually begins. These are the foundation of physical freedom which is the freedom we tend to think of as the only kind of freedom. In the contrary, before you can truly be free you must be mentally and spiritually free. Are you making steps toward the later? Or are you vulnerable to enslavement every day that you wake up?


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