Threat States Rogers “Cop Will Be Killed” On New Year’s Eve


ROGERS (KFSM) – Police have discovered an act of graffiti in which a threat stated a “cop will be killed” in Rogers on New Year’s Eve.

The threat written on the bathroom wall of a Rogers Kum & Go convenience store states, “A cop will be killed New Year’s night in Rogers, AR 12-31-14”. The statement also has “MS 13” written below it.  

MS-13 is a criminal gang originally formed by Salvadoran immigrants who came to the U.S., according to the United States Justice Department website.

Rogers police said there are no suspects, and investigators believe the threat is connected to or influenced by threats made several days ago against law enforcement in other parts of the country.

Elizabeth Gomez said the recent shootings of police officers in New York may have impacted the threat made.

“If you are killing police officers it’s not going to solve what happened in the first place,” she said. “I mean murder should never be the way to go.”

“Threats against law enforcement are nothing new,” according to a statement released by the Rogers Police Department. “This is a glimpse of what law enforcement officers face everyday. They know the dangers, accept them, and they will continue to do their jobs.”

The statement added there will be no further comment on the threat, saying, “Our response will be to continue to do our duty”.

The threat at the Kum & Go at 1701 W. New Hope Road was reported to authorities Sunday.

“There’s nothing but gratitude to be had for what they do and to threaten their life that’s just an awful thing,” said Alisha Davis, lives in Rogers.

Below is the full statement from Rogers police on the incident:


Date: December 29, 2014

For Immediate Release: Graffiti Threat made against the Police

On Sunday, 12-28-2014, at approximately 5:50 pm, the Rogers Police Department took a graffiti call at the Kum-and-Go located at 1701 W New Hope Road. The graffiti was written on the wall inside the bathroom stall and stated, “A cop will be killed new year’s night in Rogers, AR 12-31-14, MS 13.”

There are no suspects at this time, but it is believed this threat is connected to or influenced by threats made several days ago against law enforcement by people in other parts of the country.

Threats against law enforcement are nothing new. There have been threats against the police from the beginning, and I am sure there will continue to be threats against the police in the future. It goes with the territory.

This is a glimpse of what law enforcement officers face every day. They know the dangers, accept them, and they continue to do their jobs. We will make note of the threat, we will stay vigilant and alert, and we will continue to serve the people of Rogers to the best of our ability. It will not alter how we do our job.

There will be no further comments on this incident. Our response will be to continue to do our Duty.

2 thoughts on “Threat States Rogers “Cop Will Be Killed” On New Year’s Eve

  1. “A cop will be killed New Year’s night in Rogers, AR 12-31-14”. The statement also has “MS 13” written below it.”


    pussy faggots.

  2. MS13 leaving messages in English? Amazing how fast they learn once they get to the US. Always had the feeling those the illegals in front of Home Deport really did understand what I was saying.

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