Trump Admin Raising Phoenix Program From the Ashes

Every Trencher should watch this video several times…this is what they are planning against red blooded Americans…

Fusion Centers, FEMA Camps, Interrogation Centers…now you know positively what the coffins are for; their for you and me and the family…  Erick Price is a close adviser to Trump.  This video ties all the loose ends together.  Americans have no concept of what these traitors have planned for them, NO Constitution…NO Bill of Rights…Abject slavery to the Beast and his Image.  

All these traitors will act in unison…economic communism and political fascism.  This shit will happen so fast Americans will not know what hit them…they will wake up one morning and find out the stars fell, sun darkened and the moon turned to blood…

Erick Prince brother of Betsy DeVos Education Secretary…billionaires

Published on Jan 30, 2017 by corbettreport


As The Corbett Report reported last year, Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, has slithered out from his hiding place and re-emerged as a figure on the political stage. He is now advocating for a rebirth of the US’ infamous “Phoenix Program” to target the ISIS terrorists the US created, and he is advising Trump from the shadows. Today Douglas Valentine, author of The Phoenix Program and The CIA As Organized Crime joins us to discuss what The Phoenix Program is and why its resurrection is so ominous.

2 thoughts on “Trump Admin Raising Phoenix Program From the Ashes

  1. Given the number of guns privately owned in America, both above and below ground, such a move by government would lead to a blood letting worse than what occurred in China 1945-1950. Surely there are people in Washington DC who know this. The thought of losing this war must cross someone’s mind. What would happen if the elite started such a war and there was no one left to govern? Historically, the serfs can only be pushed so far, before a vicious, uncontrolled, rage sets in. Who, among the elite, could be so delusional that they’d want to ignite such a tempest, for nothing?

    1. Good one, SWIFT! But that’s the thing with psychopaths. Because they are psychopaths, the notion of consequences–for them even–never crosses their minds…they don’t have minds, they have owners and controllers. Folks, as enslaved as we think we are, our enslavement has nothing on the enslavement of the elites–every member of the elites has a controller, including the elites at the very top, whose controller is Satan, and honey, if you are controlled by Satan, you sure as hell (no pun intended) don’t want to piss him off!

      Remember–no one is more enslaved than those who think they are free–and who thinks they are free more than the elites?

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