Trump: Hillary’s Greatest Legacy Will Be Surviving Email Scandal

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

Hillary Clinton’s greatest legacy will be “getting out of the e-mail scandal” if she survives politically, according to presidential candidate Donald Trump.

During an interview on the Alex Jones Show Wednesday, Trump said Clinton shouldn’t even be running for president because of the scandal which would have already destroyed other public figures.  

“She’s so corrupt, she’s so corrupt and she shouldn’t be allowed to run and frankly her greatest legacy – she was a horrible Secretary of State – …will be getting out of the email scandal,” he said. “That’s what I think – it’ll be one of the greatest jobs I’ve ever seen of getting out of a scandal because General Petraeus and many others have been destroyed for doing five percent of what she did.”

“She shouldn’t be allowed to run, but you know the recent Fox poll that just came down two days ago has me beating her head-to-head, which is very interesting, very good and beating her handily and soundly, but we have to get it right.”

“Our country can be absolutely turned around,” Trump continued. “I would agree with you [Alex Jones], if we don’t get it right this time [the presidential election], I’m not sure if [we can] go another four or eight years with the insanity and the stupidity of these leaders.”

“I’m not sure you’ll be able to turn it around anymore; I think it could be a closer.”

5 thoughts on “Trump: Hillary’s Greatest Legacy Will Be Surviving Email Scandal

  1. “She’s so corrupt, she’s so corrupt and she shouldn’t be allowed to run…”

    BECAUSE she’s SO corrupt will be the very reason she’ll be (s)elected, Chump.

    “Our country can be absolutely turned around,” Trump continued.”


    Just as soon as you & your ilk are all dead, scumbag.

    1. Exactly.

      I keep telling people, Dog & Pony Show, and GET READY for ‘Madam President’.

      She’s already been selected due to her qualities; A trail of bodies behind her, and unparalleled track record of lying and deceit, treason, sedition, will IMMEDIATELY launch a war with Iran, and her best, most shining quality?

      Fealty to Israel.

  2. our greatest legacy would be putting this thing in prison , but we know that wont happen because shes already been (S)elected

    1. Yup, this is as difficult as trying to explain why there are 2500 kid f#@kers in the pentagram and were caught?! No legal issues, no charges of course. Still have their jobs….Because we know you have to be dirty to get in the game. If I can’t blackmail you I can’t use your vote to pursue the neo-con agenda, period. People actually think murica is clean and everything is just dandy.

      Gordon Duff who I actually believed for about 2 years is part of this and he fools people that seemingly pay attention to the news and geopolitics. That f#@ker is dirty. But, he can take potentially smart people and make them believe the red herrings he throws out there. These bastards are good. That POS actually says in private and now in public that the Clintons are clean!? He also says Nano-thermite didn’t exist in the World trade cartoon! Well, I’ve seen 20 plus interviews with scientists proving it. Beyond that he says where is the proof of any company producing it?……well, they are in Broomfield, Colorado and have been making for the US Air Force for over a decade. They also conveniently show they started making RIGHT after Sept 11th……

      I’m starting to think Bollyn, Fetzer and a few others are the only legit truthers out there anymore.

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