Trump ‘thinks he knows’ who was behind 9/11


US President Donald Trump has cryptically suggested he knows who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but would not name the names.

Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in the Rose Garden of the White House this weekend, the president digressed from the subject of the 2003 invasion of Iraq to the infamous terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York and Washington in 2001. 

“By the way, Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center,” the president said.

It was not Iraq. It was other people. And I think I know who the other people were.

“And you might also,” he added, looking at Stephanopoulos.

It is not clear who Trump was talking about, but Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda terrorist network are widely considered to be the culprits behind the attacks – even though bin Laden himself denied all involvement on several occasions before his death in 2011.

The Bush administration cited the 9/11 attacks to invade Iraq in March 2003, claiming the country had weapons of mass destruction it could give to terrorists.

ALSO ON RT.COM‘More secrets’: New batch of ‘Dark Overlord’ 9/11 papers leaked online

President Trump went on to criticize American involvement in the Middle East, which he called ”the worst decision made in the history of our country” that has cost the US trillions of dollars.

On September 11, 2001, hijackers commandeered commercial airliners and flew them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon. The fourth jet, said to have been aimed at either the White House or the Capitol, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.

16 thoughts on “Trump ‘thinks he knows’ who was behind 9/11

  1. If this sentence doesn’t prove RT is fully corrupted, I don’t know what does:

    “It is not clear who Trump was talking about, but Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda terrorist network are widely considered to be the culprits behind the attacks…”

    Ha, “widely considered.” I guess RT lives on planet bulls**t.

    And frikkin’ Trump, “not naming names,” just teasing the people so many can still believe he’s playin’ 4D chess.

    That “ninth circle of hell” is gonna be mighty crowded.


    1. Exactly! He’ll have to get reelected so he can name names, of course they won’t be his jooish buddy names.

    2. I agree- RT is a ziop.
      On weekends, I watch beautiful scenes and people from different lands like-
      A Turkmen Wedding in Iran by DW Docs
      Just watching these people gives me love.
      Americans filled with hate.
      Prayers to these strong people.
      F these deranged pig.

  2. Oh yeah, total hog shit… They are playing up the IRAN did 911 BS which is what their Kike masters are ordering them to do… Can anyone tell me what IRAN gains by attacking first and Starting a War… ? No Sale here..!

    I guess they feel enough of the sheep will buy all this and the other dreck they spew, so they gonna keep pushing it…

    If only we would just turn our guns in like the good Aussies….then, then they could really start having Kafkaesque fun…


  3. “… even though bin Laden himself denied all involvement on several occasions before his death in 2011.”


    Bast@rd was dead an entire decade BEFORE that.

    “By the way, Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center,” the president said.”

    Neither did planes, @sswipe.

    But YOU’LL never admit to THAT truth.

    “On September 11, 2001, hijackers commandeered commercial airliners and flew them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon.”

    Sure they did.

    All they had to do to accomplish THAT impossible feat was to TOTALLY DEFY THE IMMUTABLE LAWS OF PHYSICS.

    Happens every freakin’ day, don’cha know.

  4. ”…but Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda terrorist network are widely considered to be the culprits behind the attacks”

    ‘Widely held’ – by politicians and stupid, gullible Amerikans. EVERYONE else had it figured out after a couple of months, tops. I was in Europe 4 months after. Not ONE, SINGLE PERSON I talked to said it was anyone but “the US and Israel”.

  5. We all know who’s guilty

    The big question is … when do they pay
    And why has it taken so long?

  6. What? No mention of Zionist Israel doing it or the dancing Israelis?

    Well then, I guess he doesn’t really know who did it then or he’s just covering for them. I’m guessing the latter.

  7. “President Trump went on to criticize American involvement in the Middle East, which he called ”the worst decision made in the history of our country” that has cost the US trillions of dollars.”
    This Zionist ass kissing bastard has the nerve to say something like this even as he is at the moment speaking of sending thousands of troops to surround Iran, has sent hundreds to Syria, and God only knows where else that we’re not being told. Oh its cost us trillions, never mind the lives on both sides that were lost, the families ruined, the disfigurement and maiming of people. It’s all about those dollars for Mr draft dodging, send them off to war trump. And yes hes totally trying to hint at Iran. Remember when he said “you may find that it was the Saudis that did 911”, then became puppet of Zion in chief and gave the Saudis the biggest single weapons package in history? Let’s not hold our breath for him to mention all the Israelis arrested in connection with the attacks and the photos and explosives found on them. Never mention that, ever.


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