Trump Threatens To Close Southern Border Next Week

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In the past, when President Trump threatened to close the southern border over Mexico’s unwillingness to crack down on illegal immigrants crossing through its territory, many took his words with a grain of salt. But after the president twice tried to dictate federal policy via tweet over the past week, there’s cause to believe this might be more than just frustrated presidential bluster. 

For the second time in as many days, President Trump has threatened to close the southern border if Mexico doesn’t take action to “stop illegals from entering the US”. The tweets follows reports that “the mother of all caravans” has been forming in Honduras, with as many as 20,000 people hoping to eventually cross into US territory.

Meanwhile, another caravan of 2,500 Central Americans and Cubans has been slowly making its way through Mexico, though they have encountered a cooler response from locals and authorities than what greeted previous caravans.

5 thoughts on “Trump Threatens To Close Southern Border Next Week

  1. Bullshit
    Too much of “ their “ drugs , human trafficking , and dirty deals ( nafta.. and corporate money) come through that border on a daily basis

    Nothing’s getting closed
    He’s just trying to placate
    All for show, no go

    Maybe it’s time all of us that are supporting the 4 families we don’t get to kiss good night to , (now will be 6 )
    Maybe it’s time we all stop producing
    So than where will all this tax money come from to fuc us and give to them

    We’re paying for our own distruction and infiltration

    1. We haven’t been paying for any of this shit for a long time, dude. The last money they borrowed was borrowed in the name of our great grandchildren. And I’ll tell you who is going to pay for this next batch a’comin’. Our great-great grandchildren. We have been reduced to chattel property, sold on the international global market, day by day. This shit only stops one way.

      Only question is, how far up the food chain they have to go before the people turn. Or maybe they will just make it easy for us and come to confiscate the guns.

      It is truly disgusting. The Indians at least got glass beads and silver pipes and wool blankets. All we are going to end up with is a pile of worthless paper, not fit to wipe your ass with, the size of Mount Everest.

  2. Trump, got your quota met for cheap labor & military dupes?

    I just heard today they are releasing illegals onto the streets in AZ due to no place to put them.

    Nice way to keep your dodo bird base supporting your lies.

  3. Yea, I’ve seen this game before. Migrants in mass start to come to the border, Trump pretends to close it and pretends to send troops to shoot the people coming across and then Bennie rings the bell and tells Trump to let them in.

    Meanwhile, Bennie goes on to kill more Palestinians in Gaza and Palestine while the public is distracted by the border situation through the use of their infamous weapon, the MSM.

    Just another day on planet Earth.

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