US facilitates Rafah invasion, approves thousands of bombs to ‘Israel’

By Al Mayadeen English

The United States just approved over 2,00 thousand bombs and 25 fighter jets to “Israel”, despite criticism of the Rafah invasion.

As the United States criticizes the Israeli plan to invade Rafah and warns of subsequent consequences, it has simultaneously approved billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets for the occupation, the Washington Post reported.

The Washington Post, citing Pentagon and State Department officials, revealed that the new military package consists of 1,800 units of MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, 500 of the MK-82 500-pound bombs, and 25 F-35 fighter jets. The latter is part of a previously approved arms package, and this marks the third 25-jet batch, mounting the F-35 fleet size to 75.

Commenting on the continued aid to “Israel”, a White House official said conditioning aid is not the United States policy, the Washington Post relayed.

Sixty-nine percent of “Israel’s” arms acquisitions in 2023 came from US corporations, 30% came from Germany, and 0.9% from Italy, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI) annual study issued in March.

The report detailed that “at the end of 2023, the USA rapidly delivered thousands of guided bombs and missiles to Israel.”

“By the end of 2023, pending deliveries of major arms to Israel included 61 combat aircraft from the USA and 4 submarines from Germany,” according to the report.

According to SIPRI, the US has sold fighter planes to the occupation in recent decades, allowing the IOF to strike Palestinian Resistance movements and the Lebanese Resistance – Hezbollah.

2 thoughts on “US facilitates Rafah invasion, approves thousands of bombs to ‘Israel’

  1. So, looks like we, and our ‘greatest ally,’ are outdoing all of history’s previous atrocities. Must be that in the planning the orchestrators asked themselves:

    “How can we be more cunning?”

    “How can we be more cruel?”

    “How can we prolong suffering and dying?”

    “How can we remove ALL TRACE of those we hate?”

    “How can we carry out this plan throughout the globe?”

    What they didn’t seem to ask themselves was:

    “How can we deal with 8 billion going against us?”

    Time for another power point?


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