Utah Activist John Sullivan Organized Antifa Protest Near US Capitol Before It Was Stormed — Tweeted About BLM Buses in DC on the 6th

Federal Inquirer – by Brittany Jordan

Earlier this week CNN interviewed John Sullivan from Utah after the shooting death of Ashli Babbit by Capitol Hill police.

John Sullivan, a noted leftist leader from Utah, stormed the US Capitol with fellow activists on Wednesday.
John Sullivan is a Black Lives Matter goon from Utah who was flown into DC during the planned “Stop the Steal” rally.

In August John Sullivan threatened to “rip President Trump from the White House” during violence in Washington DC. Sullivan was flown to DC for the protests.

At the time John Sullivan was described as a Black Lives Matter leader from Utah.

From our earlier report:

“We About to Go Get that MotherF***er! – It’s Time for Revolution!” – VIDEO – BLM Threatens to Rip President Trump from White House

John Sullivan stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday. He was near Ashli Babbit when she was killed by Capitol police.

Read the rest here: https://federalinquirer.com/utah-activist-john-sullivan-organized-antifa-protest-near-us-capitol-before-it-was-stormed-tweeted-about-blm-buses-in-dc-on-the-6th/

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